I bought some bits to re-connect my headlamp vacum system which had been bypassed by the PO and had a thought which made me cautious about proceeding…
It’s a spyder spaceframe chassis and looks like the vacum system hasn’t been connected for some time which made me wonder about internal corrosion of the front crossmember. The exterior of the chassis looks fine but as the spigot for the piping connection has been open to the elements I thought I’d check up through the drain tap.
Shinning a torch up the hole showed there was some signs of rust flakes around the top of the thread but I have no idea of the state of the rest of the crossmember internally.
Could any rust particlesbe sucked up into the inlet manifold if I connected it together as it is?
How about fitting a filter, maybe a fuel filter of something?
Any advice or suggestions would be most appreciated
I think it unlikely that you would get rust particle large enough to do any damage to the engine being sucked up. But if concerned it would be easy enough to fit a small fuel filter to the vacuum line. Use one with a rigid casing that will withstand the vacuum.
Here’s a thought (O.K. might be stupid) what about getting some of that tyre sealer that fixes punctures by the roadside, put it in the vac tank and maybe it will hold any loose rust down ???
Well its just a suggestion
Oh! just had another thought, that stuff might block up the pipe fitting