The rear of my plus 2 is a good inch higher on one side,both shocks have been replaced,tho not at same time,one 2 years ago,the other 4 years ago.Neither are adjustable.The car handles well,but id like to even it up for appearence sake…what do i do?
Is the ride height lower on the driver’s side? I have found that the rear springs on my +2 creep, or settle, over time. This leads to an obviously visible difference in ride height. I correct this by replacing the rear springs from time to time.
I wouldn’t have thought that shockabsorbers would make a difference to ride height. It would mainly be down to differences in the springs with differences in ride height being down to sagging as per the previous post or poorly matched springs.
One thing though, it’s not a good idea to replace one shockabsorber at a time, always do both (i.e. both front or both rears or all!) at the same time.
Yes Craig i agree,they were changed prior to me having the car.This winter im intending to replace with adjustable ones,but want to sort out why its uneven first.
Just a point, I had a very nice S130 put togehter by a guy who did lots with Lotus. This appeared to sit over. After I replacing springs etc I found out by sitting it exactly level etc that the body was sat over on the chassis. A real p*sser. You can see it by looking under the arches as I recall.
I un-did all the bolts etc and cut out the alloy bobbin bits with a dremel type device on the chassis legs. I then ligned her up and rebonded them in with the bolts in. Not too bad a job, but this is what happens when poeple dont take care when they drop bodies on and some old boy (likes pies) sits in the car on one side when the work is being done.
I may be wrong about yours but it is worth a check. Mine was about 1.5 inches out. Bit down one side and a bit up the other. It was really annoying
Check also that the rear wheel bearing housing is in the same position on both rear dampers
There is an issue with galvinized frames in regard to this.
I bought a Lotus galvinized replacement frame for my Sprint back in like 1988. Over the years it twisted. I ended up with a right height difference of about 1.5 inches.
I replaced every component in the rear suspesnsion except for the uprights.
Only way I fixed it was to buy the adjustable spring perches and adjust the hell of it.
Check the suspension bushings and mounting bolts. It may be that one side was improperly set or the bushings have deteriorated or bolts loosened. The ride height is set by weighting down the car with the suspension mounting bolts loose. Then tightened. The rubber “flex” provides the suspension travel. As I understand it the height is “held down” by the rubber bushings.