Unbonnet Light Position

Hi Everyone
I was wondering if anyone can please tell me, pehaps with a photo, how and where the underbonnet light should be fitted on my late model (1973) +2S 130/5.
I’m assuming it was somewhere on the bonnet lid frame as there are some wires going there from a plunger switch but apart from that, there’s nothing.
There is certainly no evedence on my car that one was ever fitted inside the engine compartment as appears to have been the case with the early models
Thanks very much

does this give you what you need? I’m wondering what to put on my rebuild - I have an old and leter car and have to decide which is the best solution (I could even have both!)

I suspect that the version gives a better light in the engine bay.


Thanks very much Mike, that’s exactly what I was after.

Obviously not the most high tec installation of all time


I have the same light but can’t work the wiring out as the bulb holder is not earthed. Is it a special single element bulb with 2 contacts on the bottom?



Does anyone out there have one of these bulb holders they would be prepared to sell me.


yes its a special bulb with 2 contacts in the base - hard to find at least in Australia but they do exist - my normal supplier no longer stocks so i am searching for a new source !
