UK Elan car shows

I’m looking into getting an Elan .
I’m in no rush but would like to see a few at shows to see which type I would like.
What is the best summer show to go to so I would be able to see as many Elan at once.



Hi there, have you considered going to the Shelsley walsh speed hill climb during a Paul Matty sportscars event? I am part of their sort of pit crew and even as a spectator you can get closer to the cars than at any show - you also get to see a few driving flat out!!! :smiley:
Hope that helps, P

Thanks peter for your reply.
Will start making a list of shows to go to.

If you would like a recommendation, I would say that the s3 is probably the overall winner as it has electric wind up windows and the round(ish) wheel arches! The type 26 (s1 and s2) are in my opinion the best looking though as they have the cleanest lines of all. And then there are sprints which are fantastic cars and do seem to be the strongest investments at the moment with well sorted examples selling for over ?50,000, so if you are interested in investing I would look into one of those. It is also worth noting that if a car can be found in a desirable colour such as Pistachio green, lagoon blue, wedgwood blue e.t.c.
So I suppose it is all about taste as the cars all handle pretty much exactly the same due to the same chassis and engine configuration.
Hope that gives you some more insight.
P.S. it is also worth noting that some modifications such as chassis and engine modifications can make cars worth more ore less, so if you can find a car with an undesired mod that is not effective on the enjoyment of the car, then you might be able to pic up a bargain!

If you give a better idea of your location it may help…

John :wink:

If you?re within a sensible distance of Bromsgrove go to Paul Matty Sportscars and have a mooch. They won?t mind. It?ll give you an idea of the models and approx prices.

Good luck!

Don?t forget to ask your questions here.

Oh and welcome btw

There’s a Club Lotus meet at Goodwood 27th April (track day). Usually double figures of Elans.

Thanks for all your replies.
I think it will be a coupe or DHC.
I’m in Kent . UK. , don’t mind traveling to see cars and do my research.



Club lotus have a good selection of Elans at the Silverstone Classic Club parking.

Where in Kent are you ? Pop along to us at


Hi Richard
I’m near Dartford.
Please let me know when and where you meet.


It?s all on our website, as above. Next meet is this coming Wednesday. We meet at The Moody Mare, on 7 mile lane.

This time of year you?ll be lucky to see any Lotuses in the car park… :smiley:

Thanks again.
Now booked marked and reading all the info.
Will pop along to some of the meets.


Look forward to seeing you Martin. We currently have people with 2 elans under restoration and one plus two.


Do any of the Lotus clubs have a National Day.
If so where is it held.



Club Lotus annual get together and trackday 25 May 2019 at Castle Combe.

The Lotus Forums have an annual get-together in May, which had been at Mercedes Benz World at Brooklands. Last year the venue was no longer available, and so the event didn’t happen, but they’ve been promising a new venue for this year. Keep an eye on … rooklands/ for details.
