U.S.A. Elans

Just been asked to post this question from a forum member.

As you can see from pic the lens says ’ Elan USA’. The base has 1 twin filament bulb - so presume brake/side lights ?
(+ reverse lightbulb). So how do they indicate ? I have looked on ebay u.s.a. site where there is used rear light for sale but that one has 2 bulbs (excluding reverse light) next to each other (horizontally). So not like uk/euro spec backplates ?
the wire colours going to the twin filment bulb are 1. Red, 2. green/purple :

Follow a US car (common here in East Anglia) and you will see that the brake light flashes when (if?!) they indicate, i.e. only the one brake light on the other side shows you that they are braking… :open_mouth:

My Elan was re-imported back from America and it took a while to work out how the lighting was wired so I could convert it back to EU lamp units. There’s a Lucas DB10 double relay behind the dashboard near the wiper motor which does the clever bit, but I didn’t find a manual with an appropriate wiring diagram so it involved a bit or trial & improvement (it’s not called ‘error’ any more!!).

The way to reuse the US spec lamps is to ditch the reverse lamp function and use these bulbs as the indicators with a suitable yellow/orange filter inside the lens. That’s what I did until I found some proper lamp units… :wink:

Good luck,
:arrow_right: Matthew

only the one brake light on the other side shows you that they are braking… :open_mouth:

Strange that a country which is so strict on automotive safty issues could allow a situation to arise where no brake lights could be shown :open_mouth:
(example: If one bulb is defective and the other is being used to indicate)
or did they put in some system that the car will not go if it has a bulb blown :laughing:

If the folks who make the rules here in the U.S. were as sincere about traffic safety as they profess, everyone would have learned how to drive.

The wiring for the rear of the US models is completely different. As the relay near the wiper motor turns the stop light into an indicator when the indicator for that side is activated, there are no separate wires (GR, GW) for the rear indicators. Because my car is a US model, the factory harness came with the GR wire laying in the boot, but connected to nothing. It also came with the heated rear screen wire (BW), the power to the rear courtesy lights (N), and the return to the door switches for these lights (PW) all wrapped in tape and left in the left rocker. This is because a DHC has no heated rear screen nor rear courtesey lights. I have used the factory power wire (N) and the factory return to the door switches (PW) to power a single rear courtesy light I have installed on the rear panel just below the tray. I also used the factory heated rear screen wire (BW) and the factory left side indicator wire (GR) to power the left rear speakers.

To say the least, it is interesting what one finds when tearing one of these cars apart. Now, if I can get it back together…

Frank Howard
'71 S4 SE

There is a wiring diagram for the +2S with alternator, Federal, that shows the DB10 relay. I referred to this for guidance on wiring connections in regard to work on my Sprint Federal.
Dave 72 Sprint DHC

The flasher circuit (supposed to be used only when the car is stopped at the side of the road) is often used by idiots driving slowly on the highway. In this case, the flasher function completely eliminates their brake lights!

The source of all the trouble was some NHTSA fuzzy logic that didn’t want an amber colored light to appear on the back of a car, because it might then be confused as the front. Given that the lamps had to be red, it made sense to save coin and use only one dual-filament bulb.

If you have the U.S. assembly, I recommend sourcing the easier to find Euro assemblies (Jaguar). Then sell your assemblies to the U.S., as they are much more rare. I’d be happy to pick up a pair of the all-red lenses (with white backup section) if you have them. Cobbling up a way to use the U.S. versions just destroys the hard to find all-red lens.

I was posting for a friend (he wasn’t sure how to post a pic) and I’m sure he will be in contact with you if he wants to sell.