U-joint issue

I’m replacing both u-joints of the prop-shaft using NAPA UJ341 with their circlips, same thickness as the original, ~.060". I had checked the MOOG website and it actually lists the '65 Elan and calls out their 341 product. However when I install one of the clips and push the other end up against it I can’t install the opposite clip. I see there are .040" thick clips available which would solve the problem but that might cause some offset imbalance. Has anyone experienced this, solution?

Ignore this, nudged the ends back forth a tad and the circlips fit with nice freedom of motion, that is on one axis, still working on the cross, will tackle that in morn but I believe I’m on the right track.

Hope the UJ’s were made in the USA and not India.

SKF, China, what a surprise!

Ran into the same issue of getting the second circlip fully seated in the u-joint. This occurred when fitting the T9 yoke for the Voigt 5speed conversion. Spent a lot of time on this. Finally just filed a thou or two off the circlips on either side. I got reassurance that this was OK from others.

BTW, I used a Spicer u-joint. Much more robust needle bearings and made in the USA (I believe).