I have an S2 Elan that needs to be ‘restored’ and would value any opinions on what a realistical budget for tackling such a proposition would be if the job was done by respected marque / type specialist. That way I can either put the project on hold and instead buy another car for the timebeing or go ahead with restoring the S2.
The body is undamaged and the car has its original spine chassis (which along with the suspension etc. really is incredibly rust-free/structurally sound). The car is complete except the interior needs to be trimmed plus new seats, harnesses, dash top, steering wheel - otherwise everything’s there. Glass is perfect. The whole car will need rewiring for reliabilities sake. I’d like to get the rolling chassis stripped and refurbished whilst the bodywork needs to be stripped and re-painted to ‘new’ condition. The engine and mechanical side of things will need to be overhauled with perhaps even an engine and gearbox rebuild to 120/125bhp etc. Will also need a set of new tyres. Basically its for a full concours restoration and preparation then of a sound and undamaged car with all the consumable elements replaced plus a sensible contingency fund. Any thoughts on the cost, logistics and who you’d recommend in the UK to do the best job???
Thanks in advance - all advice gladly received!!!