Typical Elan Restoration Cost

I have an S2 Elan that needs to be ‘restored’ and would value any opinions on what a realistical budget for tackling such a proposition would be if the job was done by respected marque / type specialist. That way I can either put the project on hold and instead buy another car for the timebeing or go ahead with restoring the S2.

The body is undamaged and the car has its original spine chassis (which along with the suspension etc. really is incredibly rust-free/structurally sound). The car is complete except the interior needs to be trimmed plus new seats, harnesses, dash top, steering wheel - otherwise everything’s there. Glass is perfect. The whole car will need rewiring for reliabilities sake. I’d like to get the rolling chassis stripped and refurbished whilst the bodywork needs to be stripped and re-painted to ‘new’ condition. The engine and mechanical side of things will need to be overhauled with perhaps even an engine and gearbox rebuild to 120/125bhp etc. Will also need a set of new tyres. Basically its for a full concours restoration and preparation then of a sound and undamaged car with all the consumable elements replaced plus a sensible contingency fund. Any thoughts on the cost, logistics and who you’d recommend in the UK to do the best job???

Thanks in advance - all advice gladly received!!!

My restoration cost for my S3 Coupe? basket case was about $12,000. I replaced all wear items, had the engine professionally rebuilt seating, door panels and crash pad professionally recovered. I did all the body, paint and remaining mechanical work myself. My car started out here mysite.verizon.net/res6wtdv/

If you would like I can e-mail you my word document which lists almost all the costs and parts for the restoration. Send me a PM via the LotusElan.net web site and I will reply with the list.

The short answer is to buy one here in the US that is already done - between the cost of parts and the labor rate for a 1st rate shop you will quickly find your self upside down - ( 3-400 hrs and $10K plus worth of parts ) -

I agree that if you purely look at the financial side, then you should buy the best car you can find - and just go driving. In Europe I guess that would be 15-20 k GBP for a standard Elan.

I am going a different route having recently bought my S3 coupe requiring restoration, although it was a runner when I got it. My goals with the project is not purely driving a restored car, but just as much having fun during the years in the garage lying ahead of me. It also allows me to get just the Elan I want with the mod’s and enhancements to suspension and interior I want.

And hey look at all the money I am saving with the current oil prices due to fact of having a non-runner. I can buy a lot of parts for that.

ps, Mike I would also appreciate a copy of your list. I have sent you a PM. Great looking car. Have you sold it ?

I wrote a reply and deleted it, but basicly it was the same as what George has said. Buy a finished car in the U.S. and drive it. There are a number of RHD cars here that don’t bring serious money. Unless you can do a lot of the labor intensive work (body and paint) then I think you will be in the hole. I don’t know what the Option 1 paint work cost Alex Black, but i’m am sure it was a fair chunk of change. If the Elan has special meaning to you ( fathers car, you bought 20 years ago or you want some special features) then by all means go down this debt riden road. My current S2 cost me in excess of $25k 11 years ago and most of the parts were bought 13, I would guess it would be close to double that now… I think the time invested was over a year of 3 ful days a week and a couple of half days during the good weather. If you want a project then do it, but it will take a year or two and a lot more money than you would think. A chasiss on a S2 out of England would be an automatic replacement. How is the lattice around the doors? run your hand under the sill, if its swolen or cracked you will need to have work done there. You haven’t said much about your S2, whether its low milage, used only on sunny days or in need of complete strip out and every component replaced. I have seen some nice cars on ebay out of southern California recently get bid to $25k and the biding stops, thats 13k GBP plus %17.5 dreaded vat plus 1k container and a bit for pre purchase inspection and whatever the other costs due. Probably less than 20k GBP landed. I have done 4 Elan’s and have a few left, at the moment I am upside down on them. I still have bunch (3 or 4) to do, they may end up being parted out as the expense is just to much. I would talk to Alex Black and get some real U.K numbers before doing anything on your S2.


Just saw this RHD racer on ebay. Ian Fitz-simon has been trying to sell this on for a while, he is a member of this group and has listed items for sale here before. Cantact phone # that I have is 925 580-1947 email is
[email protected]

ebay link
cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Lotus-El … dZViewItem

Sorry guys, should’ve made it clear - I’m in the UK, as is the car.

What’s Paul Matty’s reputation like for resto/race prep? Anyone got any experience???

I kind of figured that, you get more bang for your GBP when you buy a U.S. Elan in dollars. Your Elan is worth a minimun of 5k GBP, I don’t think you will get it restored to the standards that you want for another 15K GBP.

Your call though…


It sounds as if I were to budget ?25k (worst case scenario) I should have it covered and there might be a chance of the project coming in at under ?20k if all goes well. That was kind of my hunch in the first instance. The car has period race history and is Goodwood Revival eligible so it would be worth doing from a ??? point of view.

If you want a race spec drivetrain and engine you need to add a lot more to the budget - like 10K for the engine and 5-7K for the drive train , plus a pile of BPS if you want the big brakes and mag knock offs.

If you genuinely want a full concourse restoration then budget closer to ?50,000 than ?25,000. If you want showroom / as it left the factory restoration then ?25k will do it comfortably. Concourse is an over-used term that very few cars are ever restored to, and for me , the end result looks like a 1:1 scale model. It is totally unusable, and these sort of cars get trailered from one show to another. I?d stick to new / factory condition and enjoy the car.

Originality will also figure in the cost. If you want it to be absolutely as original, you?ll have to pay a bit more to get the right bits and pieces?the correct trim, the correct hood and stitching, steering wheel & gear knob, all the little bits and pieces under the bonnet, and especially all the bits and bobs in the doors. The nose badge should be painted rather than enamelled, the original horn push and gear knob badge are a much lighter yellow than the repro stuff?.it goes on and on. Some of the door bits are quite hard to get hold of, and the repro stuff, when available, often looks poor.

I?ve been gathering the right bits for my S2 restoration for a year or so now, and have learned a huge amount about them from this forum (especially George and Gary above) and a couple of non-forum guys here in the UK. The S1 and S2 are becoming very sought after here in the UK, and money spent on them won?t be wasted. I would certainly ensure that you have all the original bits you want / need before handing the car over to anybody to restore it.

If you want the car race prepared and be competitive, then have a chat with Tony Thompson. He can supply all the parts you need (for racing, and repro S2 bits) and I?m sure can point you towards someone who can do the work for you. If you are racing then consider a strengthened 26R chassis whilst the car is apart?.the same as a standard chassis with extra gusseting / strengthening for further rigidity. All the road car bits and pieces will be irrelevant for a race-prepped car, but you will spend a lot more on the engine, box, diff, suspension, steering and wheels?for a top car figure on ?40k-plus total cost.

So it?s all down to what you want to do with the car?concourse / as-new, original road, original fast road, race with road capability or just race. There are very different considerations and approaches for each of these categories, and very different costs.

I would certainly go to Ken Myres for concourse, Miles Wilkens for original as-new, Paul Matty for original as-new or fast road, and talk to Tony Thompson for race.


I have been restoring my 1969 S4 Elan for several years (sound familiar, anyone?). The costs can accumulate over time - and they can vary widely.

Body work cost me almost $15,000 (US Dollars) - but car had a moderate (euphemism) accumulation of damages. Another $8,000 for paint and trim. I spent $5,000 on a Spyder chassis and assorted suspension/wheels/brakes/etc pieces. Add $2,000 for engine rebuild (good shop; std specs).

Let see: that’s $30,000 so far. Whew! I bought the car (used) in 1972 for $2,500. In my calculations (above), I haven’t addressed the transmission nor the interior trim/wiring/dash/seats/… Lots of money. $$$

I have not been constrained by originality (so costs have been lower). I have not attempted to find the lowest costs (but quality has been very high). I am not finished (open-ended situation?).

I assume that my restoration goals are somewhat similar to others. Somewhat midrange; not concours, not cheap.

Rich Boyd

26R s2 33 cost initially 4000 cdn dollars in 'kit ’ form —that is to say 20 years in a barn completely disassembled an unloved obsolete race car ----4 years of time and about 8000 or 9000 dollars to complete —it is now under a complete motor rebuild [as time permits]costing 1500 to 2000 dollars in engine parts -crank magnaflux -rings-bearings -water pump–gaskets -valves --and a few parts that escape my memory -and $450 for a mag bell housing —paint was good and most of the race parts were there -so for about $16000 cdn or so and 4 years in the garage you can share in the joy of saying ----I DID IT MY WAY–[thanks Frank---- :slight_smile: -ed

My race car rebuild has cost ?33000 to date and still got engine, gear box, exhaust, cooling system, fuel tank and fire extinguisher left to do ie another ?15000 approx. This is with doing most of the work myself apart from building the engine and gear box or the painting.



looks like Im a cheap SOB [Granny says-’ WERE NO CHEAP WERE CANNY’] judging from some of the other car costs reported --but you guys spend pounds like they were dollars - :laughing: --very nice car Andy —ed

What a nice car! What colour is it?

33.000 without engine gear box etc. :open_mouth: It’s a race car, okay, but where has all the money gone?

Thanks to everyone who’s contributed to this thread, some very useful information received (as always). Will post some photos of the S2 shortly.

I just added the receipts that came with my new Lotus + 2 (a two year restoration; not concourse, but a 80-85 points-car). The previous owner spent US $24876 in two years (1998-2000)! That is $31,294.64 in today’s devaluated dollars and you have to add to that the cost of the car. Scary!

I stuff all the receipts into my “history folder” which goes back 25 years. I’ve never added up the receipts.

I think its called “sticking your head in the sand” but its quite painless!!


Not a bad idea. For the peace of mind!

The simple answer to the question in the root message is probably:

"If you have to ask, you can’t afford it !! "

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :sunglasses: