To add the finishing touch to the fitting of a Voigts Type 9 conversion in my +2S130 I am struggling to find a suitable and aesthetically pleasing centre console top gearlever gaiter.
The original 4speed gaiter will not work due to the increased gearlever throw of the T9. The later +2 centre console is also obviously different to the baby Elan where I see others have made a MGB gaiter fit, however this is no good for a late +2 centre console. Another suggestion given was to use a BMW E30 gaiter but I cannot seem to make that work either.
I have a 4speed gaiter underneath the console next to the body to keep the noise out and the throw of the lever just about copes with that being at the lower part of the lever but finding a suitable gaiter to use/adapt/make fit in the top centre console is the puzzle that I am struggling to find an answer to.
A +2 Lotus 5speed gaiter may fit i think but i cannot find one anywhere.
So I was wondering if there is anyone on here who has fitted the Voigt Type9 in a later +2 and if so what did you do about the centre console gearlever gaiter?
All suggestions/ideas much appreciated.
Hi Alan
A lot depends on what you consider acceptable in terms of appearance. What I have done on other cars is have a leather worker make one in leather and retain it with a plate easily available from one of the many the kit car suppliers. They come in various shapes and materials. That can give a very professional and traditional appearance but might not be your ‘bag’.
Car builder solutions do a ‘universal gear stick gaiter’ which looks as if it would accommodate a long throw. I don’t like the look of it but if you prefer a rubber type gaiter it might suit you?
Just my two penneth
Thanks for the input Baggy . Always appreciated. It is always good to hear what other have done.
Yes. I have seen the rubber one at Car Builder Solutions but I agree with you that the looks of it don’t appeal much. It just looks to big and ugly and they no longer stock the surround frames for it anyway.
Ideally I would have liked to have retained the original small rubber gaiter with it’s bit of ‘bling chrome’ around it, but it looks llike that is not possible.
So, have thought some more about this I have spent the morning at the local car breakers yard generally looking for inspiration and have come back with a couple of backing frames that I think I can adapt to my centre console if like you suggest I get a local trimmer to make a Vynil/Leather gaiter.
Hi Alan
In my +2 I have a 5 speed Lotus box. I have no idea how the throw on that compares with the type 9 . However its a '68 car with the early type interior and I was keen to keep that complete with its original gaiter. I managed that by making my own gear stick which lacks the anti sizzle bush - not usually a problem - and 3d printing a little plastic bush that makes the gaiter fit the stick. Under it all is an MGB rubber surround that, as you say keeps out the worst of the gearbox noise. The gear stick lacks the rather nice taper that was on the original which means I can’t use the original wooden knob but putting that right is on the list of jobs…
In the meantime I see it as an acceptable and importantly drivable solution.
The leather gaiter was on a totally different car but I thought it could be a solution for you as you seemed to be in search of inspiration.
Hi Baggy,
The gearlever throw of the Type9 is my problem. In use the longer throw is absolutely fine but it does mean the lever ends up closer to the dash and the original 4speed gaiter dissapointingly can’t cope with the extra travel.
The gaiter you have there looks like a 4speed gaiter and not a Lotus 5speed gaiter but nice touch you have done in making the stick fit tjhe gaiter. Well done! The sloppy fit of the gaiter always bugged me on my 4speed box.