Type numbers...?

just bought an Elan +2S 130, 1972 model.

As I don’t have the Elan books at hand; what type number identifies this car?

Chassisnumber is 0434L, but for insuranse purpose I need the type number ahead of the chassisnumber…

The +2, +2s and +2s130 are type 50. Up to the end of 1969, the chassis number started with 50. From 1970, there was a new type of number starting with the year.

geocities.com/trevorsparrow/ … meline.htm

geocities.com/trevorsparrow/ … part_2.htm

best regards, iain

Hmmm, so I’ll need a copy of the V5 then, to get the correct VIN.
Thanks for your answer, it really helped a lot.

I know most of the Europa after a 8 years restoration, now it is time to get to know the Elan :laughing:

Inner wheel arch in the engine bay should have the VIN plate rivetted to it. If it is still there it will have the complete VIN number.

Hi again,
reason for asking was I had not received the car yet, and for insurance purpose I needed the car’s type number, not just the chassisnumber.

Everything is OK; I mailed the seller and he sent me the correct VIN.

Hope to receive the car in 5 days; next tuesday :wink: