twincam smoke

hello once again, does anyone know of a good short term method to reduce smoke from the t/c. when i have my new engine fitted it will allow me to strip the present engine, its sure to be rings and guides i guess. thanks.

AMETECH Engine restorer, works well but is not a substitute for a proper rebuild.


You can buy synthetic oils that are specifically blended for high mileage engines. The are a higher viscositythan typically used e.g. 20W60 to minimise leakage past rings and guides and contain additives that swell worn seals. The probably do a better job than trying to blend your own by adding something to normal oil.

Also synthetic oil tends to produce less smoke when it burns !


One cause of smoke on the twincam that is a challenge to make go away is the lack of valve stem seals. This causes smoke a startup but not as much during run unless the guides are worn.

John McCoy out in Washington was able to get stem seals in my engine when he did the head with his .440 lift cam. I don’t get smoke on it now.

The old engine had a little until the oil pickup problem caused smoke.


There’s been discussion of add on valve seals on here before. I seem to recall the consensus was that they shouldn’t be fitted, as the stems need a little oil in them by design and you don’t want to prevent that.

Hopefully someone more knowledgeable than me can confirm or deny this. For my part, I wouldn’t do it.

I admit to being new to the Twin Cam, but and old hand with 60s engines, where many did not have seals or at best rubber rings that prevented oil passing at full open stroke.

Such engines should not have oil seals added. The Twin Cam was a sports engine that required oil on the valve stems. If the guides are too worn, then new guides are the only answer, but a dry guide imo spells disaster!
