I have completed my Lotus Twincam modifications write up now. The final file is a PDF of around 8 Meg. How is it best to add this to the wiki or the post thats now a sticky on the engine section as the system only allows a maximum of 2 meg upload.
Thanks again for all your efforts here. Really is very much appreciated.
Have you thought about a limited publishing run? I believe Amazon allows you to self publish, and I recall that Guillermo (gherit on here) was involved with an update to Brian Buckland’s addendum and may be able to step in to help.
I am not sure it would be a best seller, but I would certainly pay for a hard copy and it may give you some small recompense for all your effort.
Hi Andy
Yes i will explore a limited publishing run, or a print to order run after a bit more proof reading and layout work, just so i can say i have published a book
Hello Rohan,
I certainly can help with a printed publication, my company can do that, no problem.
But as far as I understood you wanted to make it available for free ?
In that case I would offer hosting and a download link on Bucklands webpage, of course indicating copyright ownership, author, origin, etc etc no intent to make it look as own work or anything like that.
Webpage would be theelanman.com/service.html
If you prefer not to be on Bucklands page, I can offer a direct download link to my personal domain,
but with no download page, just download link.
Any option is for free …
Regarding a printed book, I use print-on-demand services: Amazon and IngramSpark/Lightning Source
Amazon is ubiquitous, but royalties are lower,
Ingramspark less spread (UK,US,Australia, which for me in the EU is annoying), but “cheaper”.
Three possibilities with both services
1- selling Ebooks
2- selling printed copies through Amazon/online booksellers
3- print copies and sell them
As said, Amazon is ubiquitous, easiest, but you are left with about 10-20% of sale price.
Ingramspark leaves you a bit more, the sale channels are wider spread, through a catalogue,
and there are some of those who sell on Amazon.
There are no setup costs, just the need to follow a few requirements at the PDF creation (page sizes, spacing, fonts, etc). Once pubished, you can updated them continously, only Ingramspark charges for revisions (I think 25 GBP/USD).