twincam cam cap numbering???

just took off my cams for valve adjustment. Noted the location of the cam caps meticulously. For inlet cam number 1 to 5 from back to front (of car) and for exhaust cam number 6 to 10 from front to rear (of car).

In Miles Wilkins Twin Cam Engine book is a picture (page 88 top), where one can see the sequence of the exhaust cam caps. It?s the same as on my engine.

In my Original Lotus Workshop manual (section E pg 14 top ) the numbering sequence for the exhaust cam caps ist the other way, i.e. number 6 starts at the back an number 10 ends at the front near to the timing housing.

As I know it?s very important to assemble it the same way it has been line bored once I?m a bit confused. Which is correct? Or did the numbering sequence change at some point?

Any ideas or experience with this topic?


The numbers should be stamped on the caps and on the top (cambox) face of the head, typically on the inner edge (near the spark plugs).

:arrow_right: Matthew


My cam bearing caps are also different fron the diagram in the shop manual. But I match the number stamped on the bearing cap with the number stamped on the head, and I disregard the manual in this case. It seems that even the factory had a tendency to ignore the manual when it was expedient.

Today I scraped off the remains of the cam cover gasket and discovered the corresponding cam cap numbers stamped into the head.

Exhaust cam numbering just as the numbers on the caps I removed. And the other way round than in workshop manual.

OK, I?ll stick to the number sequence on my head of course.

Thanks a lot for your quick answers and help!
