Twin cam builder

Anyone know of a good engine and/or head builder in or around Ohio?

I have only 90 lbs of compression in # 3 Cylinder. Not good. :frowning:

Also does the old trick of putting oil on the cylinder actually help to determine if it is a top or bottom end problem? I remember this one from years ago.

Am thinking I might as well upgrade while i’m in there. How much tune is too much for a road car? L1 cams? porting?



Stu if you pour a small amount of oil into the bore & compression test again (throttle wide open) if the compression rises then it is the rings if it stays the same it is valve gear usually guides


Guides? or seats?

Wouldn’t have thought that guides would come into play for compression.

Unless wear in the guides creates some misalignment so it wont sit square on the seat?
