Hi all,
Does anyone have any experience with TTR’s threaded spring platform kit? With no pics on his site, I’m not sure what they look like. I’m assuming they are threaded sleeves of a certain length, supplied with a spring platform and locking ring. And one needs to cut off the oem spring platform and fit the sleeve. And I’m assuming they’re for the rear!
Thanks for any opinions on this.
Most of these kits are made of the same components - threaded tube that slides over oem strut tube, threaded bottom spring platform to match. sometimes something to catch the spring at the top. RD sells TTR stuff and has the kit so look there for pictures, bean would also have em.
see picture on what is looks like on -
We cut the old collar off on a lathe the new tube had recess that locted the tube on the strut, I epoxied in place.
Tony Thompson’s require expert fitting to remove the old damper tubes and fit new. I bought the complete kit from him and it went together very easily (I didn’t fit the tubes myself) and it seems tobe good quality. My car isn’t yet on the road, so I can’t comment on settings!
One kit retrofits onto the existing tube another is a replacement tube with the threaded portion incorporated, that to memnon’s point is a bit more involved to get on. RD has pictures of both -
If you have an angle grinder stripping the old unit is easy. The threaded sleeve requires welding in place, so hand to have a MiG or know someone who does.
The job is quite simple for someone with average intelligence and hand dexterity removing the old spring abutments - but you will need help TIG welding the sleeves to the tubes.
Thanks guys. I like the idea of a retro fit sleeve and there are literally thousands on ebay, all at a really reasonable price. I think many of the sellers are simply middlemen and will dropship the product to your door, from some supplier. I think this to be true because it seems none of these sellers has an answer to what the length and i.d. are of their sleeves.