TTR alloy wheels

Has anyone got a set of those lower cost alloy wheels that TTR does. The bolt on type 13 x 5.5 inch. They are Minator with a skim on the rear internal of the rim.

If they have (and it’s not too much bother) can you tell me what the back space dimension is.

Also if you you dont mind what is the approximate internal diameter of the rear inner rim were the metal has been removed.

thanks Mike

I purchased the wheels for my S4 through TTR and they supplied genuine minilites. IIRC they were available with 100mm & 95mm back space.

This was a few years ago so things may have changed.

See for more info.

Steve, Thanks for info. I got the same as yours I believe from Tech Del. Waited 7 weeks. I notice that the Minators can be obtained signifiantly cheaper at Midland wheels, that why I am asking. Since going to bolt on for the project car it opens out more wheel possibilites.


Hi Mike,
if you’re going down the bolt on wheel route why not consider split rim wheels; that way you can juggle with the offsets & the spun alluminium rims are pretty thin therefore providing more clearance to the tear lower wishbones (that is if you really want to stick with 13" rims) There’s company in Birmingham that makes all sorts of split rim wheels. I put some on my Europa project car. They had Minilite pattern centres & looked the business.
Sorry can’t think of the company’s name (senior moment)

Now those are nice. Normally I don’t like minilites which is why personally I have stuck to my rather scruffy looking steel rims, but could be persuaded to reconsider with those.

I think it is Midland wheels. They have a great web site and seem to retail all makes. Good prices too.

Have gander!.

regards Mike :stuck_out_tongue:

I’ve got it now :laughing:
The company is called “Image” they make their own range of wheels in Birmingham.
Here are the contact details, check out their website.


Phone +44 (0) 121 522 2442

Fax +44 (0) 121 520 9311

E-mail [email protected]

Senior moment now over, I think :confused:

Was kidding myself about the senior moment. :blush:
Forgot to mention the “Europa Engineering” site they seem to have some very smart looking split rims that resemble 26R wheels.
Also “Image” do a revolution lookalike in split rim.
You can play Diameter & offset tunes with all of them.

Right I’ll get my coat now.

Tony Thompson sells Minilite Wheels, not Minators.

Jolly Jumper

I was in there with Stuart last week in the stores and he has Minators. Saw the boxes and opened one and took out a wheel.
