Trunnion square O ring question

The presumably original O square ring on the elan outer trunnion fits over the bushing. The new square O ring flush.
I presume the flush is correct. As that?s what everyone sells. Though the outer washers are large and similar to the original, therefore able to sit outside of the bushing. Of course there would be little point in the square O ring on the outside.

The original is a very stiff material. And would crack if persuaded. But i presume it did not enlargen over time.

The question is, does the square O ring only help compress the bushing.

No, the O ring runs around the outside edge of the bush, this provides a seal when trapped between the two metal washers.

What Craven said.
The O-rings seal ‘out’ dirt, water, and other road contaminants that might otherwise shorten the life of the working parts.

Tim Engel