Trunnion question

Old LH trunnion has some play. When I screw on new trunnion it tightens up for last 1/2” of travel. It will screw on all the way with a little bit of leverage. Seems like this Would be a good thing as once broken in it will be a good fit. Is this correct?
Chris :slight_smile:

I’d expect they screw on with uniform load, that fact that’s tightening up suggests withe rthread miscue or an issue with the upright.

Is it a Stanpart trunnion? Standpart is in the casting on the side, or an unmarked aftermarket, dodgy in my mind as I’ve had issues with an unmarked set I received with new uprights, they were very loose and wobbly, the opposite of your issue.

What is the thread like on the forged upright, I’ve found many have actually rusted or worn through not being adequately lubricated over time.



Have a close look and make sure the threaded bottom of the upright has not been bent


The trunnion is a Stanpart unit and the upright looks to be in excellent condition. I would estimate the play in the old trunnion as about .020-.030”. I can barely feel any play at all on the opposite side. I guess a bent threaded portion is possible but I thought maybe a tight initial fit was acceptable.
Thanks :slight_smile:

Just a few words about that…Those Things Break.