Trackday noise

I have just signed up for the Castle Coombe Trackday and the receipt and instructions arrived yesterday. There are warnings about noise tests before being allowed on the track. A maximum of 100 dB is allowed. I am a worried about the noise level from my +2. I assume the silencer is standard and is working properly - but dont know. To my uncalibrated ear it sounds quite loud - but no louder than many saxos.

The questions are: will it be OK? How do I find for sure? or what should I do? How could I get it tested before I go? should I just fit a new silencer?

All suggestions welcome.

best regards, iain

I’ve been told that Maplins are selling a meter for around ?30 if you want to be sure, but a standard +2 should be fine. Last year Castle Combe had little additional silencers that clamped onto the tail pipes of cars that exceeded the noise limit, but I only saw them on Europas…

Thanks, Simon. I’ll check the maplin device.

Do you know if the extra clamp-on silencers are available on the day? Or where you can get them? It sounds a useful thing to have.

best regards, iain

I have also just signed up for the trackday and I am also worried about how loud my car is :open_mouth:

I have just checked the maplin web site and they are out of stock. I guess I will just cross my fingers and hope I get to run.

See you there for big grins all round :sunglasses:


I was speaking to Roy at Paul Matty’s. (he will also be there with his +2). He reckons a new silencer on a +2 will be all right at ~98 or 99dB, so I have ordered one. It should make motorways easier too. Also, I have heard that Merlin Motorsport based at Castle Coombe sell a small supplementary silencer to clamp-on to the tail pipe. Worst case, could get one those on the day…

best regards, iain


Quasar Electronics also have a meter available for just over ?30;

I might get one just to see which is louder, the Plus 2 or the wife :laughing:


Thnaks for the tip. I have just ordered one. So if anyone wants a noise test you know where to come. Cars only, no wives :laughing:

I think to noise test your wife you need to let her see an invoice for Lotus parts then measure the reaction :laughing:

…sorry, I’m not that brave :blush:

Thnaks for the tip. I have just ordered one. So if anyone wants a noise test you know where to come.

Steve, did the noise meter arrive? Do you think it is accurate?

I have fitted the new silencer - so am ready for Castle Coombe… It’s quieter, but still sounds interesting at 5000 rpm.

best regards, iain

Yes the noise meter has arrived. I have not had time yet to do a noise test as it requires 2 people. I will post up the results when I have done the test. The noise meter is not certified but should be close enough.