Forgive me if I have misread the OP’s issue, but I believed he was saying the threaded internal length of the track rod end was not adequate to accomodate the existing track rod when screwed in far enough to have toe correct.
I am assuming that the track rod end centre of movement to be as original, is it not?
My point being that I understand point A and point B to be unchanged.
The rod is the same angle and length but the point C may be altered depending on the length of the track rod and track rod ends.
Check your rack against this for a +2
Steering dimensions (1).pdf (513 KB)
Thanks for that John!
When the weather cools down a bit, all too hot here at the moment to do much, I will take some measurements and delve deeper into the issue.
I bought the last pair from Wood & Picket via ebay as we had the same issue.
Tony R
Thanks for that info Tony.
I will have a look at Wood & Picket.
Sorry, I do understand the op’s issue. I was just saying that when “shopping around” for a replacement tre with the correct internal thread length, be aware that different ends may also have different fitted heights not obviously visible in the packet?
I have just spoken to Amsteer in Tamworth who say whilst they don’t list the correct one for my car ( +2S130)if I take over a sample they will definitely be able to either cross reference, or if push comes to shove manufacture exactly the same as what I have.
Thinking about it further I probably could alter or make GT6/Spitfire ones actually fit my car but being fussy about getting things correct that is not my way of doing things. So I intend to follow up with Amsteer and see where that leads.
Thanks all for the input.
Ahhh! Fair enough. Quite right that would affect point ‘B’ and all the other conundrums.
I have to say, having recently fitted TTR supplied TREs to an S4 I didn’t visually notice any difference in the ball heights and on the road the car doesn’t appear to bump steer. The race car has been bump steer adjusted.
Hi Alan and anyone else who can help.
Did you buy your track rod ends from Amsteer in the end? I know it was 2+ years ago when you posted but I am on the same path as you were.
I have just received CTLs heavy duty version track rod ends. They are longer by about 5mm and the taper stud is also longer (and m10 metric). So the ball centre is higher than original (bump steer probs etc.).
So if anyone has been able to buy the correct track rod ends please let me know.
Hopeful Graham
Hi Graham,
I did talk to Amsteer and they said that whilst they did not specifically do the correct track rod end if I called in to them or sent them an old one to copy they thought they could make me some. They are in Tamworth not far from me so that was what I was going to do. However in the meantime I managed to buy some good secondhand ones so I didn’t take things any further with Amsteer. I think they would be a good bet for you to try though.
Hope this helps,
Thanks Alan for such a quick reply.
I presume the supply problem for the correct track rod ends has not been solved in the last couple of years - unless somebody knows differently!
Still hopeful
I bought some from kelvidon 2 years ago and although they were drilled deep enough,they weren’t tapped deep enough.I ran a bottoming tap down,and it did the job.
I had the same issue with some from SJS. Tapped them to full depth and then they were fine.
Please could the thread size be advised? My S3 project came with new unboxed TRE’s and I would like to be prepared in advance if I have to obtain a tap.
Hi Mike,
The tie rod to track rod end thread is 1/2" x 20 tpi UNF.
Just a couple of questions on the new track rod ends, if I may.
Which track rod ends have you bought?
Is the taper end a Metric thread?
It is difficult to measure but roughly what is the distance from the ball centre to the end of the taper?
Please post how you got on.
Hi Graham,
I have found the PO’s invoice for my TRE’s and they were supplied by Sue Miller, and are made by MOOG. Taper threads do appear to be metric, M10. Ball centre to end of taper is 38mm (1.5")
This isn’t very scientific but what I have done is consulted the S3 WM and the distance between the pins should be 1084.04mm (the above drawing is +2 so wider). Screwing both TRE’s on to the rack track rods fully (26 turns each), I get a distance of 1075. If I wind both out 3 turns I get 1084. I’m hoping that leaves enough adjustment to get the correct toe-in.
If not, the TRE’s look like they will take a little bit more thread cut at the bottom.
Hi Mike,
Thank you for spending your time getting the measurements. They look very promising, I will call Sue Miller tomorrow and check if the same are still available. I’m not too concerned if I have to tap the thread a little deeper.
I’ll update with any useful information as things progress.
Again thanks,
Doing a bit of cross-referencing I believe that the Sue Miller MOOG TRE’s will be the same ones as mentioned here Strange, can'y get enough adjustment at the track rods