Towing baby elan from the front

I need to winch my sprint onto a trailer. Can anyone suggest a technique to attach to the car at the front? Can’t be pushed as it’s on a significant slope.

You can put a rope around the front cross member. Depending on the angle of the winch pull you may need some padding if the rope hits the underside of the nose. You can alternatively run a rope from the inner end of each lower front suspnsion arm and hook onto that.


Thanks Rohan
I was concerned about the nose area especially if the winch is mounted quite high. I’ll have a look into the options you highlighted.
Lashing around the vac chamber worries me because on the pull the rope will move up to the centre line of the chamber and be above the line of the front underbody.
Thanks again

You can add a block the the front crossmember (as you would in jacking). It will lower the angle of the tow rope.

I’ve bought some small “axel straps” that I keep with car. Idea is to wrap them around the front cross member when needed.

Ones like … 57271.html

Use a “winch brother”. Wide straps spread the load on individual components.

Got a roll bar?