I have all the parts for my +2 except a cylinder head and a body top. Mine was cut off, so I’m not sure wether I am happy driving a soft top again after a seven. ( fed up with cleaning the windscreen on the inside in the moist english weather) Is there a spare GRP roof out there that I can have very cheap, to nail back on mine.? and is there a cylinder head out there, which is capable of being used, for sale. Don’t need cam shafts.
Alternatively, I have a 16oocc Fiat twin cam engine, that fits a sierra 5speed g/box, that I may just shove in. anyone done that yet???
It all depends what you are after, If you want the original expernce then you need to find a head, If you just want to match the performance a fiat twin cam will be fine as would a tuned X flow.
The sierra 5 speed box will go in but you will have to cut a new hole in the chassis to move the gearstick backwards, get a unique prop shaft , gearbox mount and make some sort of clutch actuation up, it also has the starter on the wrong side which will give exhaust clearance problems (I used a LHD bell housing which fixes this issue)
As for the roof, mine has a reasonable (from Chritopher Niel) hood which makes it fine in all weathers, but if you want to avoid scuttle shake you will need to make sure the shell has been propely stiffened. If you can’t get a second hand roof Boss motors will knock you one up out of the original moulds.
Guy here selling panels from his early Plus 2 shell: