Too good to be true....

So almost certainly isn’t! … dZViewItem

I’ve never seen it parked in Regent Street?

No longer registered and check out Sellers other items.

There is a “buy it now” price for a red elan on ebay in the states for a little over $5,500. Be very careful!! It may be OK??
There was a green coupe on ebay listed by two different sellers the same way (real cheap) at different times. It was listed on someone elses account, the feed back for one of the sellers had only bought and sold ceramic statues. The other one was from a different country with the same pictures and would pay the shipping.
They are just looking for your email address and deposits. So watch out.

Be careful

Had a look at the Elan auction and found that the seller “smith_wv” was first registered on ebay Feb 26th 2007 and tonight, Feb 26th he is already not longer registered!!!
I regard this sale as highly suspicious :exclamation:

This is the third or fourth time it’s been listed, recently. It disappears before the end time. He claimed it was in California on one occasion. He doesn’t answer questions. I sent the listing to eBay’s fraud division once. If you think it’s a scam, forward it to eBay Security, they want to keep their site as fraud free as possible.

I attach a picture of this Elan S2 which I copied from ebay

It?s said that this car was bought from Paul Matty?s and all services have been carried out there. Before someone thinks about spending money on this it?s probably worth to call Paul Matty to ask about BHJ191B

Does anybody recognise the reg BHJ191B? Looks like a real car after all so it must belong to someone and it must be somewhere out there…
But a Buy-It-Now price of 4300GBP sounds fantastic and should ring all alarm bells.

its a scam I’m afriad…


you can try it if you like :open_mouth:

A friend had his Ebay account hijacked, password changed and Nigerian gold up for sale immediatley. They wanted his good feedback and money up front I suppose. Ebay deleted the listings and returned the account to him pretty pronto tho’… Good job he noticed!

Anyway, how about this one for ten times what Our Ebay Crook wants: … e_Car.html

Hi Paul
You may want to look on this forum first.

using Petes Car as a comparison to a fraud seems a little out of place here.
besides, the price is $45,000 USD not GBP and there is no comparison at all.

                         Gary E. Anderson

Hi Gary

You’re completely right of course, just trying to bring the subject back round.
'Been admiring thT 26R car for a while, fab car and fab story, love it in white.

The engine size is a bit odd :confused:
but look at the date of first registration :open_mouth:
This is from the DVLA website :-

The vehicle details for BHJ 191B are:

Date of Liability 01 08 2007
Date of First Registration 17 04 2002
Year of Manufacture 1964
Cylinder Capacity (cc) 1538CC
CO2 Emissions Not Available
Fuel Type Petrol
Export Marker Not Applicable
Vehicle Status Licence Not Due
Vehicle Colour RED

The fairly recent date of first registration may be due to it being re-registered after a long period off the road…? Or after being imported back into the UK and given an ‘age-related’ number, as with my Elan.

:arrow_right: Matthew

Hi All,
This is the reply that I got when I asked for a call back on e-bay for this exact car !!! :smiley:

I have received your email regarding my car 1964 LOTUS ELAN S1 RED.
First you have to know bidding is restricted since I am carefully with my auction,so no one will press the button until I have the assurance that he will buy it.
The car is in perfect condition,with no scratches on it,no damage. It have all the papers and documents and is registered in UK!
The price for the car is ?4,100.00 !!!
The car was my husband`s as he loved it very much, but he did not enjoy it as he died in a IRAQ 3 month ago. It brings very bad memories to me, I want to get rid of it.
The buyer will receive the car with all papers and receipts that he needs to register it to his name.
I am in AMSTERDAM,HOLLAND right nowand the car will be shipped from here.
Shipping will be done whit DAS and it will take no more then 2-3 days. I have a friend there who will manage me a low price shipping and I assumed that it is my duty to pay for shipping it.It will be delivered directly to your address.
Anyway, I have to let you know that I want a fast deal so if you are really interested in buying it, please reply with the following information’s:
-Your full name and address;
-Your ebay user id.
The transaction will be closed only through eBay vehicle purchase protection so we both be protected.
Also in this way you have the chance to pay after you receive and test the car!
I will look for your email,so that we can move forward with this deal!
Let me know,


Looking at the DVLA site I get :

DVLA lookup results
This is a free selection of data held by Vehicle Registration Number database about the vehicle registration entered.

Vehicle details
Manufacturer LOTUS
Model ELAN S1
Body type SPORTS
Colour RED
Fuel type PETROL
Date manufactured 31 December 1964
Number of previous owners 1

Must be OK then… :slight_smile:


If you want me to I can check the car out next week.
Living in the vincinity of Amsterdam that really wouldn’t be a problem. Just let me know. (Yes, my profile is lying, but I just cant seem to change it…)


And there, I think, we have the nub of the matter. :sunglasses:

Hmm!..Sounds like a scam to me…where is the real Jens? :smiley: :smiley:

If the car would be as good as it looks on e-bay, Paul Matty would have bought it right away for resale!

At least I think he would… :wink:


Well, the real Jens surely isn’t in the southern part of Sweden anymore. At the moment he’s sitting in the Netherlands hijacking everybodys accounts. :smiley:

But - apart from the bad jokes - if anyone is interested, the offer is still standing. Just a 45 minute drive from me to Amsterdam. Could try and have a look if you want.

I might even go ahead and buy the car - just to find out that it is a mockup sitting on a VW-beetle chassis… Wouldn’t that be someting. A rear engined Elan DHC… :smiley:


Well I have my bid in now and it hasn’t been bumped-yet-contact by email before bidding…

John :wink:

are you referring to this? … 8733QQrdZ1

I’m sorry I didn’t save it properly so the pictures are gone but it’s a VW rear engined “Lotus Elan.” The body looked like an S1 or 2, wierd. An Autodynamics Hustler VW Car search should provide some links to pics.
