Tonneau Cover

Where is a good place to buy a full size tonneau cover?

Tonneaus are made by Robbins in LA. JAE, RD, Kampena, Bean all stock them.

I purchased a Robbins Tonneau from Bean and am quite happy with its fit on my S2. Just be sure to lay it out flat and let the creases relax. POssibly let it warm in the sun before stretching it and attaching all the tenax fasteners.
Good luck
Paul Zimmerman

Thanks but LA is a long way from PD (PeakDistrict)! Anywhere nearer?

Doesn’t Famouse Frank (a lister) do them?

Try Mick Miller they are usually very good on trim items. If non of the usual suspects have it as a stock item then see if someone like Prestige Auto Trim would make one up for you.

I had one made by Don Hood Company, in the Midlands (UK), they advertise in most of the magazines. Mine is made from double duck but they also do mohair and the crap vinyl that was the original spec.


I do have a brand new tonneau cover, but its LHD - so if anyone is interested then send me an email.

There is one on eBay ( at the moment (10 Sept 04)


Be careful when guying second hand covers and hoods, the Tenax fasteners are almost certain to be in the wrong place!!

