I’ve had it with the Strombergs on my 71 Sprint and wonder if anyone has an affordable solution. Quorn (QED) sells an injection head for huge $$$. Webber heads w/ carbs are very rare. I hesitate to spend that much on such an old engine.
I am considering dumping the TC for a salvaged Wankel or Toyota TC or maybe a Miata.
I love my Elan and the way it handles (set up for autocross) but I’m fed up with that old Ford cast iron anchor. Colin Chapman would have been the first one to go for something lighter, more hp and revvier.
Anybody gone this route who would care to save me a lot of messing about?
Thanks in advance,
convert to the SU carbs
I have a Stromberg head on my S4 at the moment, I don’t have any problems with it. However I am switching over to Weber just to get some more power. I just kept and eye on the small ads and picked up a second hand Weber head. You already know you can get new Weber heads from QED there is also an engineering company in the USA who can convert you Stomberg head to Webber. Which ever way you go it is going to cost $$$$
If you are spending the cash why not drop in a DBA
If you are quick have a look in the For Sale section there is a big valve engine for ?1250
Also this guy http://www.cortexusa.com/omnitech/auto/default.asp is worth checking into.
If you wanted it would be possible to put an injection system on … even salvage stuff from a scrappie, besides Strombergs tend to stay in tune more than webbers…
[b]QUOTE[/b] (mct340 @ Oct 8 2003, 03:23 AM) |
I've had it with the Strombergs on my 71 Sprint and wonder if anyone has an affordable solution. Quorn (QED) sells an injection head for huge $$$. Webber heads w/ carbs are very rare. I hesitate to spend that much on such an old engine.
I am considering? dumping the TC for a salvaged Wankel or Toyota TC or maybe a Miata. |
thanks for the comments…anyone want to sell me a webber head?
I have Stombergs on my 69 S4 and I’m happy with them after working with another club member. We found the replacement throttle shafts were bent so had to straighten them. Went through 2 sets of shaft seals to finally make a good seal. Replaced the fuel jets that kept sticking open and flooding with ball bearing Grose jets from Moss Motors. I used the minimum amount of oil in the bellows for quick throttle response. I’ve found the Stombergs easier to synch and adjust than Webers. Of course the Weber head gives you 4 ports and more power but I’ll take ease of adjustment. I’ve been advised that SUs will bolt up to the Stormberg head. Also, Hitachi made Zenith-Strombergs for Datsun 240-260 Z with ball bearing shafts and newer materials and adjustable needles.
Cupertino CA.
I also have a stromberg headed Elan (S4). I have had Plus twos with Webers and Delortos. I have just rebuilt the engine as part of a restoration. My S4 goes like stink. The balance pipe appears to make the engine less prone to absolute settings. Yes, I spent some time on the Strommy’s but the 118BHP SE cam version with high comp head is an absolute treat. Yes, the car is lighter than a plus two and I am going to feel different.
I love this set up to bits. Only things I did were a lot of attention to detail and dowelled the cams spot on.
Mike B)