Time for a new clutch slave cylinder

Just removed the clutch slave cylinder which looks like it has never been off before & could well be the original… My thinking is to replace the original red plastic pipe as well. I expect these are no longer available … is it really necessary to have a flexy plastic pipe nowadays or can you get away with the more flexible non-ferrous pipes? I suppose a loop could be put in to take up any gearbox vibration / movement . has anyone any experiences they’d like to share about this pls?
p.s. i’ve looked at some of the old archive stuff on cooking slave cylinders … the engineers among you will tell me if nickel copper piping to the SC rather than plastic would help in this regard

You can get a long braided steel pipe to replace the entire original pipework.
Or do some recycling - I re-used an old brake hose & a couple of steel (I think) caliper pipes left over after fitting a braided brake pipe set. :smiley:

:arrow_right: Matthew


The exhaust cooks the SC, not the pipe.

I fitted a flexi braided clutch hose from Paul Matty in 05 it was about ?20. not cheap but Ive had a much better pedal since. I would do the same again on another car so it must be a recommendation.

Regards John.

my thinking was that the plastic pipe was a poor conductor of heat away from the SC whereas a copper pipe coiled might make a marginal difference , depending on airflow over it cooling it slightly , but I’m no engineer…

Like EBay item no. 350156544931

:arrow_right: Matthew