Tightening polyurethane bushes

Just want to check something:

I’m sure I read somewhere (probably in this group) that unlike the normal rubber bushes, poly bushes do not need to be tightened with the suspension system under its’ normal load.

Is this correct, please?


i don’t think that is right. Poly bushings may not “give” as much as rubber, but you still want to set them under the load, don’t you? what would be the argument that the car need not be under a load?

The poly bushes work in a different way to the rubber bushes. With the rubber bushes the inner sleave is bonded to the rubber and the suspension motion makes the rubber flex. Thus these must be tightened up at the normal ride height.

The poly bushes are not bonded to the inner sleave as poly is much stiffer. The suspension motion causes the poly to move around the sleave like a bearing. Thus these can be tightened up in any position. Don’t forget the lube when installing them.