Hi all,
If anyone have one of these throttle cable arrangements on their car, I’d appreciate if you can tell me the length of the cable needed. I suppose, more specifically, the length of the sheath from end to end would be just as helpful.
Hi there,
I hope I don’t sound sarcastic but your question is a bit like “how long is a piece of string?”
e.g. The car shown in your Photo is LHD with Weber’s & a TTR throttle linkage.
Without the TTR linkage the cable length & run would be slightly different. With Stromberg’s it would be different again.
If it was RHD yet another permutation.
Your picture shows a throttle cable that appears to have a nicely free flowing run.
IMHO that is all you need to worry about. “Suck it & see”.
With my S4 I ran the outer sheath from the bulkhead to the Carb’ linkage achieving a smooth run. After that, cut the Bowden wire to suit & “Bob’s your Uncle”
Or am I missing something
Good luck & cheers
John, that’s not my car but exactly my configuration, minus the throttle cable. LHD, webers and a Magard (sp?) system, which is very close to the TTR setup. I was planning on going to a bike shop for the cable and I’m not sure if they sell fixed lengths, custom lengths or whatever. I do know one end has the threaded barrel connection and the other end (throttle end) should have some sort of capped end on the sheath and ball end on the cable. Just want to be prepared…
Yes a bike shop is your best bet but not cheap when you buy the best. Go for a nylon lined job, they make throttle response very smooth & iron out the kangaroos.
Just buy one (or two) longer than you need & cut to length. They should also be able to provide you with metal ferrules & threaded adjusters to make a good job of it.
Transformed the ease of driving in my car
I agree with John. I used an old brake cable. The housing cuts to length with good diagonal cutters. You can get a little gubbins to go on the end at the hardware store - look in the bin for lawnmower parts. I have a write-up with photos on here somewhere. (The required termination for your linkage may be different.)
Ah - here is the thread I wanted.
Thanks guys! Good stuff. However, the car is not with me at the moment so I can’t take any measurements. Anyone have any idea what the length would be for cable and sheath? Add a bit more to each measurement and that’s what I’ll get. I can then fine tune the length when I get the car back.
My cable solution was to source a teflon lined throttle cable kit for Lokar Mfg.
www.summitracing.com. is a good source. I ordered the 3’ cable. Comes in black & stainless.
The cable has end fittings that can be modified to fit the Elan pedals and carb linkage.
Thanks Phil. Summit is not too far from me and I was planning on a trip for other things anyway.
Here’s a picture of the cable that I used, it came in a pack of 2, so handy if you intend to use the TTR twin throttle cable solution. Note I have RHD with Webers & TTR linkage.
The bowden cable is 178cm / 70" long & comes with a nipple fitted to both ends:- 1 Acorn & 1 Banjo.
The Acorn is the one to use but will need a bit of filing to fit in the narrow Lotus clevis on the throttle pedal.
You will see that a nylon sleeve is fitted to the cable (floating) The outer sheath also has a floating nylon sleeve.
You will need a sharp pair if wire (side) cutters & a bit of patience because the nylon sleeves slide all over the show when cutting them to length & inserting the cable into the outer
There’s also a collection of ferrules supplied with the kit so that’s all you need. A few years ago it cost 30? here in Germany- Looks like an American Company with a German franchise see picture.
Happy hunting
It might be quicker for you to go to AIAP in Decatur - They will have the throttle cable in the picture on a shelf with the correct lead ferrel on the pedal side. While you are there, leave time to go into the back workshops, it worth the trip b/c they work on vintage race cars and will usually have a couple of lotus back there-
Good point Cab… Been there several times in the past. Thanks!
Sorted then; it wasn’t an easy birth
A few years ago I was leaving the hotel where the Lotus Owners Gathering in southern wisconsin was and the cable broke. I coasted into a parking lot and tried to figure out how to fix it since I had left my spare back home.
well I looked up and the parking lot belonged to a bicycle store that happened to be open that Sunday afternoon. I went in and showed them the cable. They came back with a cable that was almost perfect. It needed the narrow part of the end narrowed a little to fit in the throttle pedal bracket, but for $3 each I bought two. I haven’t had to use the spare and that was around 2002.
The cable was for a mountain bike brakes.
When I changed to the weber engine I had to get a ferrel to put on the carb side of the cable, but it still works great.
You can find bulk outer sheath at any bike store. On a left had drive, if you use a noodle from a “V” brake mountain bike, it makes a nice turn out of the footbox and points the cable over the top of the engine. I used a brake cable from a tandem bike to make sure I had enough length. Made up a couple of spares to keep in my tool roll.
Rob Walker