Throttel Linkage

Looking for advice from those who race. What throttle linkage are people using in connection with their dual 45 DCOEs? There seems to be a lot of junk out there. Would prefer not to be buying multiple linkages to find one that works well.



I used a sytec from Merlin motor sport works very well on twin 40s, maybe ask them if it fits 45s also


Very nice piece of kit. Fully adjustable for travel etc.
I recently sold two 45’s on here with one on. Look in there and you will see some photos.
Even comes with spare bushes and allen keys.

Cheers Mike

I share that opinion, it’s a very well made kit, but for me above all lower profile I’ve found on the market, and actually helps clearing tight bonnet clearance…

Not as elegant as the Mangoletsi but this one works well enough on my car. From TTR, so ostensibly used by racers, as you had specified: … -weber-45/

I was going to opt for the Mangoletsi except there was an old post where the owner found it necessary to file the intake manifold for clearance. I have too much invested in my cylinder head to do any such bodging. Not sure this fettling is always necessary but it scared me off. Love to hear from others with the Mangoletsi if this was necessary in their install.

The Mangoletsi is also more expensive.

This is what I have used for many years.

Weber DCOE throttle linkage. Available from Demon Tweeks / Burtonpower.

Around £100.

+2 (used 2 kits)for the mangoletsi. Really well engineered, easy to adjust and v smooth.


I was sold on the simplicity of the TTR, and it works very well.

Anyone have a photo of how the TTR looks in situ please

TTR in situ:

as shipping is outrageous, does anyone know if this is the same

kind regards

Looks like the same. Shipped from UK. Not sure where you are.

Ebay price is higher than TTR. Need to see what shipping costs are for both options.

Roughly twice the price, only because of shipping.
Canada. Just north of you. In the frozen part of our continent.

Thanks everyone for the suggestions.