The art of Overtaking

Here’s one to blow out the cobwebs after Christmas excesses: … rt-NBR.wmv

(seems this TR4 leaves an Elan standing … !!!).



" The art of overtaking"

That’s an old fashioned thing! I didn’t think people did that in this country anymore!

I would like to see this but I can’t establish a connection.


I’m not sure what’s wrong, but for me I simply click the link
and Windows Media Player fires up and plays the clip.

The main site is: … index.html

Try this one:

“A spectacular Crash in Zandvoort 1999.
Involved are MGB, TR4 and a Lotus Elan.”

(definitely a change of underwear moment!)


Stuart. … rt-NBR.wmv

This link did’nt work for me but if you right click on the link and ’ save target as ’ then run it from windows media player it should work !!

Happy New Year
Ian '72 Plus 2 (in bits !!)

Its a great bit of footage! Well driven? Looks like Mr TR4 was the only driver on the course who was actually racing. The others must have thought it was the parade lap…or maybe it was and Mr TR4 had it wrong… :wink:

That guy was the only one overtaking, he started from the back of the dummy grid. Green/Yellow Elan is Tony Thompson’s 26r, not known for getting passed by TR4’s. :smiling_imp:

first, sorry for my bad englisch… found this site cause of controlling webstats… very nice and funny… YES, at that time, it was possible for me to overtake elans :slight_smile: (with our best motor, worked 1,5 races) and this first lap was very funny for me to overtake much cars, dont know exactyl now, but i think 15 cars in one round… unfortunately in th second lap, my wheel hub was broken in dunlop-curve… :frowning:
but for your chill, now, at the fia racing series ist wouldn?t be possible anymore to overtake the fastone elans in the front with an tr4…

and here, a elan ovetook me on special way: … dvoort.wmv (TR4 Crash Zandvoort, A spectacular Crash in Zandvoort 1999. Involved are MGB, TR4 and a Lotus Elan)

cheers and best regards


Alex, thanks for clearing that up! The TR4 crash clip is also amazing, but why did you crash? Did you clip the MG?

It must have been an ‘exciting’ moment when you came to rest and saw the Elan coming at you backwards!! At least the Lotus added a little gravitas to the all English car smash! :wink:

Your final dash across to the pit lane looks scary!


i crashed caused of the oil line of the mg short before, but there were no flags so fast, and if, i couldnt see them cause i was near behind the healey sprite, so i crashed… yes it was s little bit afraid-suprising, that something came fast and yellow out of the smoke :slight_smile:
crossing the lane look dangerous/wrong but i had looked behind, so no problem :slight_smile: wanted to go as fast to pit for checking my car an continue…

me was lucky and the driver of the elan had luck “x2”, cause there is nothing between me an him (a little door) if he had crashed me sideway…
i think he didnt dirve races anymore since this lucky crash.