I saw a dhc elan in gold leaf colors in Ramona,Ca on a transporter a couple of days ago. Is the owner on Elan Net?? Scott
Don’t know anything about the Gold Leaf Elan, but it’s good to hear from you after the fire, we were hoping your place had survived!!
I saw this one while I was on vacation in San Francisco this past summer… but it wasn’t a real Sprint.
'71 Elan Sprint FHC (Gold Leaf)
Miami, FL
The Elan was in El Cajon getting the engine and transmission refitted so it was safe. We evacuated from Ramona to our Highland valley property then left there about 30 min or an hour before the fires. Our old adobe cabin and a lot of storage/structures were a total loss. The Norton Commando/combat, Yamaha RD-350b, and a 70 impala are ok but I lost a 55 chevy 3/4 ton stake bed pick-up with a rockwell rear axle and a 4 speed with granny lo. Also saved my spare ZF 5 speed for the elan and a few other things. All of our livestock (sheep, goats, and a llama are safe). The elan engine should be on the dyno this weekend then back in the car within the next week. I may not license it here because we are planning a move to Colorado to avoid future fire problems (we were narrowly missed by the Cedar fires 4 years ago), additionally the local cost of living is 140% of the national average. Anyway, the Elan I’ve had for the last 31 years is safe. Scott