"tape it"

Christian, - sorry you found the sad picture of my Elan being demolished by an MGB…Getting into the gallery brought bad racing memories back, but both me and the Elan are recovered by now… May foregive you in a day or two…:wink:

:slight_smile: … Hi Dag ,
I am sorry , but
This was without any bad intention , just to illustrate the use of strong tape - You know apparently how !!! -
This bad day , I am sure you feel all the meaning of the lightness of Elan , and I was really surprised by your will , making your car “one piece” again.
That’s why I am going to put a complete rollbar on mine this year, despite not racing it .
Let’s show us - through the gallery with the right comment -how is is your “baby” now back on track … :wink:
Christian . :stuck_out_tongue: