Has anyone sourced a tandem master cylinder to replace the single circuit 0.7-inch Girling m/c for a RHD Elan S3 SE? I want to convert to dual circuit brakes for safety reasons but was told that there is no tandem master cylinder that will fit under the Webers on a RHD Elan. I can fit my hand all around the m/c in my car so I would think that a tandem m/c with remote reservoir would fit. Any ideas, solutions?
I am goiing to remove my faulty servo and am looking for a higher friction brake pad so any advice there is appreciated too.
I think the issue on that one was due to the outlet ports being more suitable to a RHD car and it was used on a LHD and required a bit of hacking on the fender well -
not quite —there is a plate to hold the 2 masters to manufacture -a modification of the brake pedal for the bias bar --new brake lines --reservoirs —its a major undertaking —ed
Not sure which master you are looking to use, but most that I have seen (for street use) are taller than than the stock single. I know that on my RHD I can barely get the cap off the single because of the carbs, and I don’t see how a taller one would fit.
Obviously, the RHD racing variants used a dual setup, but the complications of fitting one of these has already been mentioned.
I’m tempted to agree with your proposal, it’s something I’ve considered doing myself.
Another safety aspect is actually having remote reservoirs in a position where you can see the fluid levels; makes maintainance one hell of a lot easier as well.
I fitted a single cylinder each for the brakes & clutch with remote plastic reservoirs fitted to the bulkhead on the passenger side of the engine bay.
Aeroquip hosing was used to connect up with Banjo fittings going into the top of the master cylinders, there’s just not enough room for reasonable pipe bends down there below the Carbs.
Surely one of the known suppliers must have a suitable “Tandem” master cylinder to suit?
You could then have a row of 3 reservoirs (2 Brake +1 Clutch) within view & easy reach.
I think the other posts concerned themselves with twin parallel brake cylinders, connected mechanically via a balance bar, which can be adjusted to provide a variable bias between the front & rear brakes.
Useful in racing but as mentioned difficult to install.
Going the Tandem cylinder route should be easy to achieve once you’ve found the right cylinder.
Try Demon Tweeks maybe?
I?ve a tandem cylinder from a caterham it works lovely…planning to upgrade to +2 brakes in front but it woorks great even without them, also have a brake proportian valve for the brakes in the back. the cylinder is (Dual brake master cylinder Girling 74066147, parallel bore 11/16")
Tom, that’s a dual master cylinder setup, not a tandem master cylinder. I don’t want to do major surgery on the car, just convert to dual circuit braking with a single tandem master cylinder. At over ?500 for the pedal box and balance bar, “a bit pricey” is an understatement!
Ed - by now you should have figured out we are on a different page -
galway and John -
I have sourced a couple of aluminum .75 inch tandem master cylinders made by Raybestos - They are obsoleted from the current catalog so you have to scramble around a bit. For those over seas look to cross late 70’s Nissan/Datsun - the Japanese items will even have the out let ports going in the right direction for you all - be careful though be cause some come equipped set up for remote reservoirs and some don’t… The Raysestos i used also required me to shave the end where the push rod goes in to clear the hole in the fire wall -
Hi, like Johan I?m also using the Girling/Lucas/TRW - Caterham master cylinder. This is the correct size at 0.7? but the pushrod needs modification.
I intend to use a remote reservoir which I hope to fit where the starter solenoid would normally go. As I don?t have my engine fitted could somebody please take a measurement for me?
I would like to know what the distance is between the bulkhead and the weber type carbs.
That’s brilliant! I’m leaning toward getting the AP Racing cylinder from Caterham cars as it’s not easy to find someone dealing in Girling parts. AP part is CP6093 I think. Caterham calls it part number 77176. I’ve sent an e-mail to confirm dimensions and that it has a remote reservoir capability.
In addition to my initial posting, I just stumbled across some pictures that show how I installed remote reservoirs in my S4.
OK no twin cam in sight but the available space situation beneath & behind the Webers presented the same situation that you’re dealing with.
I think you will also find ample space on the bulkhead above the passenger footwell.
Are you still happy with the Caterham tandem master cylinder? Is there enough clearance under the carbs to take the M/C cap off to check brake fluid level? Was it necessary to fit the proportioning valve to the rear brakes?