Hello all;
My tach started sticking today with the needle stuck @ 3000 Rpm at speed. It slowly drops to idle range when car is stopped and idling at the lights. The tach electronics are OK and the tach reads correct at idle. Can the tach mechanism be serviced/lubed to fix the sticking needle? I haven’t driven the car much in the last year. Can this problem fix itself?
You can try removing and give the gauge a twist action in your hand to free it up IF this is the problem non eletrical ,
You may have a spider/bug nesting in it.
I once had a Mazda with a stuck fuel gauge. One evening, as I was driving near sunset, the rays of light came across the gauge horizontally and revealed thousands of spider webs holding the needle in place. Try holding a Halogen work light at an angle to see if you have the same problem, or drive north and take a look as the sun is going down.
Thanks for the advice…I think…:^)
I’ll put some more miles on the car before I rip some skin removing the tach.