SYDNEY 2nd Dec AGM Club Lotus

Just got confirmatipn of open welcome to Club Lotus Australia Agm and Christmas Dinner 2nd Dec Sydney. We arrive early same day from France. With Jet Lag and not tooo fresh. We’ll hang on in and see if we can handle it. The Venue is about 40 minutes drive from our Hotel the Amora. Need to see how we can get there for Transport. I imagine it’s possible.
They have a Guest coming from USA specialist on Elites type 14 so should be good.
Maybe see some of you Guys from Elannet who knows.

None of you Lotus Guys live in Sydney.
Well I am surprised no Classic Lotus drivers.
I understand the AGM Meeting starts at 11h45 through to 16h00 approx.
Do some of you Guys stay after for a little Chat over a Beer. Would be nice to put a Face to your LotusElannet handle.
Alan and Maryvonne

While I am a member of CLA I live only 1000kms south in Melbourne, so cant make the AGM. Have a goodtime… beer is good for jet lag :slight_smile:



Thanks for the tip about beer Rohan. I’ll tell my wife it was your idea and a medicinal trick lol

In the end not soo easy to get to Venue AGM from Downtown Sydney.
So we’ll stay in Town and take a few Beers for the “Jetlag”.
Have a nice lunch and time at the AGM Boys.

Left Thursday Paris Charles de Gaule 22h20.
Arrived Sydney Saturday 07h45 with mega Jetlag. Got room Hotel 13h30 for a nice Shower and a visit to the Aussie “Dreamland” (good sleep).lol
No way in good enough condition for Club Lotus AGM.
Sunday planned stroll around Harbour to get directions.
Have a look at Harbour Ferry crossings and Eating Houses.
Alan and Maryvonne