This may well be an odd question. But is it possible, to switch the front seats, making the drivers seat the passenger seat and vice versa?
I’ve unfortunately got two passenger seats in mine and the one in the driver’s side does not budge in any way and the lever is gone, perhaps because it gets in the way of the gearbox tunnel…so they are both in the process of being replaced with 2 XJS seats.
I thought it was just jammed and when I took it to Spyder for a service, he said he would sort it. After looking he said he couldn’t, because it was a passenger seat…I must admit I could understand why it would be difficult to sort the hinge out but did wonder that it should still slide on the rails…I didn’t pursue it because as soon as I knew it was the wrong one I knew it would be going
I changed mine over a while ago to even out the wear so yes its possible.
Hello Claus, eight bolts later, did you try it? Eric