supplier for custom length Gilmer belts?

anyone know of a place in the US to get custom length toothed Gilmer drive belts? Dave Bean, and RD, and BAT don’t have what I need…which is a #@#%&*~!! 17.5 inch. thanks.

The belts are all made to standard increments of width and length. Find an industrial belt supplier and search their catalogues for what you want.

In Australia at least most industrial bearing suppliers also can supply the full range of related transmission equipment such as cv joints, shafts, pulleys and belts.


Hi Rohan,

Can you give me a name or two of companies here in Oz where I could source gilmer pulleys from. We are trying to source one for an alternator through Blackwoods but the information in the catalouge doesn’t mention offsets so I’m worried about ending up with a pulley that wont fit.


Hi Steve just phone Steve Taylor at the Elan factory. He should have them in stock. I did source a set from him for my Sprint. Is that a photo of you sprint, as mine is a 71 Elan & appears to be the same color.

Try Pegasus Racing up in New Berlin, Wi … =ENG16WATP

They deal with a lot of Formula Ford stuff and this page ought to show their Gilmer belts.

Greg Z
'72 Sprint

Thanks Sarah. Mine is also a 71 Sprint. It has been resprayed several times over the last 30 years. At the moment it is Lotus yellow (or something close to it) with the white along the bottom, sprint decals and gold leaf bumpers. It left the factory all Lotus yellow with gold leaf bumpers, was then red over white sprint colours, then all yellow again, now with sprint colours. Amazing the work that goes into these cars over the years.
