My +2 unfortunately had a sun roof fitted (I guess) in the late '70’s It is the earlier after market design with two rear catches. The seal (a square section) has failed and it needs replacing and the frame repainting.
Does anyone know of a manufacture of the seal. It is glued in place. I could buy a replacement sunroof but most modern units are not as curved, as modern car roofs are more flat than the +2.
An altenative is fit a Webasto or similar. I have seen a number for sale, but I think they cost a fortune to repair. I have also heard they should have a wooden frame to add some strength back into the roof. Is this correct? Most I have seen for sale do not have the frame. I know a sunroof was not an option from the factory, but a lot of +2’s were fitted with them. Were they specific for the car or a universal aftermarket item?
Any other cost effective alternatives you can suggest? I have already gone way over budget with this restoration… (Glassing up the hole is not an option, as I have just had the car painted!)
My car has an excellent ‘lift out’ sunroof that is quite large but fits in the boot. It’s held in place by two slick chromed bars that are fitted from the cockpit once the roof is lifted back in. These are held in place by knurled knobs that screw onto four short bolts on the liftout section and can be done up from inside the car - completely waterproof - even if you had a leak it would just be a matter of screwing the nuts on a few more turns.
Don’t know who fitted this but it’s excellent.
Good luck - let me know if you’d like some photos.
If it is just the seal that needs renewing and you can unglue it.
I would be very suprised if you could not source a similar profile to replace it.
The seal companies I know carry so many different profiles there is usually one that is close enough.
Just catching up on the forum and saw your posting…
If you’re still pondering what to do, have a chat with Peter Harvey (tel: 01304 614412, or mobile 07956 292 376). He is an ex Webasto factory fitter, and now runs his own business repairing and fitting Webastos. He’s a real expert, and has cut holes in the roofs of some seriously expensive cars.
He’s a nice guy to deal with, and I was really surprised what good value he is - he totally refurb’ed mine for less than ?200 - new fabric bit and everything (no connection just happy customer etc etc)
I reckon a Webasto is a great solution - a bit more wind noise (which gets better when you open the roof) and the hole is so big it’s practically like having a targa-top.
Only problem with Peter is he’s based in Sandwich in Kent - which is a long way away from 99% of the UK.