I am about to put the sump pan back on the rebuild.
I have a question about the seals at either end of the sump.
I have two types, cork or rubber (then engine had rubber when I took it apart.)
The rubber ones do not fit very well (the bit which locates in the grove in the front cover is too big)
Are the cork items up to sealing, or should I hunt down some rubber ones that fit?
I have used the cork seals in the past with no problems. They have been supplied to me slightly too long, and I have cut them down to suit. I smear some RTV on the mating surfaces to make sure.
Dave Chapman.
Depends on which rear crank oil seal carrier you are using, the 711 has wider groves to take the rubber sump seals but the 711 front rubber sump seal is to wide for the T.C. front timing cover grove.
- You could use the T.C. rear crank carrier and the cork seals from the T.C. set or
- you could use the 711 rear crank carrier with the 711 rear rubber sump seal and the cork from the T.C. set at the front.
Third option is to get some round section rubber (of the correct size) and make your own…hope you understood that
Snap, just come in from garage for a butty…Just fitted front timing case, rear cover and sump.
I used the cork gaskets with"threebond 1215" smeared on both sides of all surfaces…that stuff matches my grey engine too .
I have always used the cork items with no problems. They are usually too long and need a little trim. RTV on both sides and no leaks
think I’ll go with the cork front and rubber rear with 711m housing.
I wonder where the previous owner got the rubber ones for both front and back on a standard twink block?
Kenny, just a tip (although you might know) when fitting the front t/case, fit and loosly tighten the crank pully BEFORE tightening the t/case bolts, its to centrize the oil seal in relation to the crank.
ps O.T. …what butty did you have
Brian, A pre packed chicken and bacon
And no I didn’t think about centralising the cover with the pulley
Miles never said
Should be ok shouldn’t it
Yer, oil drips are considered normal!..(well by some)
…could be O.K…just the luck of the draw…