Alan Morgan from Club Lotus has offered us this chance in an open forum so lets help him with constructive suggestions for Donnington 2009, we’ll see how many suggestions are incorporated into the weekend. If we don’t make the suggestions then we have only ourselves to blame.
My suggestion would be for him to log onto the US websites to view the activities conducted in the various LOG meetings that encourage entertaining participation of our cars. Perhaps some of the American/Australian/??? based contributors may like to advise their favourite activities at their meets?
It would also be worth reviewing the format & content of LOTUS 89 that was a success attracting TV coverage on “Top Gear”, (I believe it was a joint venture). Since those days it has slowly gone downhill.
For the record I am & will remain a Club Lotus member, applaud the magazine & use their association with the insurers to get a cheaper insurance. I just want a better show for owners who would like to use their pride & joy. I have had no dealings with Mr Morgan previously and apologize if he has taken offence. I have no association with ANY other club or business as has been suggested.
Let’s drive this forward (at a speed suitable for Lotus owners)!