A 250 mile round trip to Verve ( see For Sale section ) seems to have been an ezpensive outing.
1 mile from home … a big bang … taking a corner at 20 mph … then total loss of drive. Coasted to a stop.
Decided that:
On the downside … sounds like a new diff.
On the plus side … I had one in the boot (just bought from Verve).
Did a roadside diff swap-out in 30 mins (as you do).
Yeah, right.
Managed to get a tow home, but serious “grinding” type noises from the diff area on the way.
Guess what’s on Sunday’s agenda … because the planned family Bar-b-Q is now definitely on the back burner !
First time let down in 4 years.
BTW Verve has 4 sets of good rims (some with good boots), 2 sets of steel for a Plus 2, and 2 sets of Minilites for a Plus 0 ( 1 set is new).
Right, time for an early night.