Stuck horn push

I can’t remove the horn push on my Sprint. It is absolutley stuck - anyone had similar problem?


Try pushing side to side round the clock and twisting dont pull


I’m assuming you have the newer non-Chapman signature wheel with a horn push that is 3-1/4" in diameter. It should come off. Just pry it off.

Did any Sprint have a " non-Chapman signature wheel" …except for a after market non original wheel :confused: :question:

My 68 S4SE had a non-sig wheel, same wheel, just no script.

Yep…so did my 72 Europa but it wasnt a Sprint

Neil - can you elaborate a bit? Do you mean push from the edge of the horn push to the centre? Twist in which way ? clock and anticlockwise? How does the horn push fit on the wheel? I presume it is an interference fit of some sort but what shape?

It?s a 72 Sprint with a signature wheel.


If this is the wheel you have to just prise out the centre button and you can get to the nut.

Hi This is hard to explane you have 3 clips (Sprung) that go into the horn push and a earthing bar so you need to give it a twisting only a little bit / pulling pushing at 2/6/10 hours , I hope its not stuck due to a repair with some super glue.
Here is some pics of mine at the end of the set … 202952079/


Great Brian - thanks. Clear now.


Thanks Nei. Very useful set of photos.

On another subject, my gearbox is not quite central in the hole in the body (5th picture in your first set). Any thoughts as to why that might be?


Hi John

“On another subject, my gearbox is not quite central in the hole in the body (5th picture in your first set). Any thoughts as to why that might be”

If the engine/ gearbox mounts are ok and the body is on square then it may be the hole in the tunnel was drilled by Fred on a Monday on mine and yours was Sid on a Friday.


I think you have to be specific which steering wheel you have.
The picture Neil provided is for the early wheel up to 1971.
The picture provided by Brian is for the later wheel-probably correct for your vehicle.
The hubs are totally different in construction and fitment.

Yep - mine is like Brian’s.