Stromberg choke housing

Is it me or do the stromberg choke housings tend to dribble ever so slighty. I never use the choke and am considering fitting a blanking plate and gasket across these.

Has anybody else done this. As I recall there is a little spring loaded disc with series of holes (small to larger) that faces up against some small ports. With the choke “off” they are shut.

Had some wiffs of fuel today when I was out and pretty sure it is from these areas. They also show slight gummy bits. They dont really have very strong springs and I believe it is quite easy for fuel to leak by. I think I have even polished these discs in the past with (Brasso) to ensure a flat disc/valve seal.



In my experience with Strombergs, the most common leak comes from the o-ring in the bottom of the float bowl. Put your hand on the bottom of the carb and see if it is wet.


I checked here tonight and they are dry.




Yes, they do that. I mean mine do that too !
I don’t have occasion to use the choke as it always starts OK, so I’d blank them off if I had the time…
It probably contributes to occasional flooding I get after ‘long’ periods of idling…

:arrow_right: Matthew