Strange noise

Guys I’ve just uploaded this video :-

Noise is speed dependent.
Brakes work fine and steering is bob on.
Any ideas ?
Hope video works


Wait for an answer because I have the same noise.
It seems to deasappear when the accelerator pedal is released

Sounds like the heat shield over the silencer is being touched by the exhaust when the engine is twisting under acceleration.

Although I had an annoying rattle that turned out to be loose/rusted out clips on the side trim on my plus 2, took years to track down… and now I have squeeky suspension on my esprit that is not there when stationary…

do you have the dust shields still fitted on tear wishbones? (on a +2)
that sounds very similar to the fault i had
one of the fittings had removed itself. a p clip
sounded just like that

It seems to disappear when the clutch pedal is pressed?

Exhaust pipe rattling against the front anti roll bar when under load

Sounds at wheel speed to me not engine revs, when you come off the power the rear wheels will stop pushing the car along so I’d be looking at something close to a rear wheel/driveshaft that might touch when loaded in a forward direction?

I assumed it was something to do with the brake pads… I’ve rebuilt the car and the brake parts, discs, pads etc were new and there was no noise when it was first back on the road. It has now done 500 miles and the noise started at about 270 miles. It gradually got louder over time.


Have you checked the rear lower arm outer bolt heads? Easy for them to touch the wheel rim inner bead especially when alloys are fitted. Maybe a little play in the wheel bearings now is allowing movement?

Sounds like something in the brakes. I would raise each wheel and spin it till the noise presents. Might be some anti rattle hardware has come undone

Diff mountings relaxed or diff tie bars loosened?

Took the car for an MOT on friday and played the video to my MOT man.
He had a good look around the suspension and brakes and couldn’t find anything amiss.
It passed the brake test on the MOT easily.
Went for a drive today and the noise disappeared and reappeared every now and again…but it’s definitely related to the brakes.
I’m pretty sure it’s at the rear…I will have to investigate further and report back :slight_smile:

Cheers for reading…

As I said I have the same noise.
Firstly I’ve checked the parking brake pads. Noise disapeare but not for a long time.
Like you it is heard only when I accelerate, when the pedal is released it disappears.
One day, when I have some time, I’ll try without le parking brake paddle.

Might not be your problem but I had a similar recurring noise that proved to be worn pivot points on the handbrake assembly see photo