Hello to all the great Elan and Plus 2 owners I met at Stoneleigh today. Good to put some cars and faces to some names.
I’m the bloke with the Pistachio Zetec with the spangly roof. Most exciting news of the show for me was that the windscreen rubbers to take the S/Steel screen trim are readily available again.
I quick question, not really about stoneleigh sorry.
I got a new chassis plate at Stoneleigh as mine is not on the vehicle, I looked today at the vehicles and some seem to have the numbers stamped on them and some are engraved?
My '67 coupe 2 seat is engraved and the '73 and '74 Plus 2s are stamped. Apparently Sue Miller can get them stamped so that they look original.
I really enjoyed meeting you guys too…a good mix from originality nuts through go-faster to Zetec. I must admit, being one of those originality nuts, your Zetec conversion looked superb, Niall…looked like it was made for the car. And what a colour…absolutely brilliant! You know where to come when it comes time to sell the original BLING machine.
Another highlight was dismantling Simons Yellow Peril in order to get the right shape screws from the screw man. Hope you put them all back before setting off home! I thought your car was a bit pricey at ?14995, but then noticed that you’d missed off the 1. I think you may have sold that several times over.
Looking forward even more to Castle Coombe and Donnington now
Was good to meet…
Worth finding out that my +2 is riding a little high out the front…
I like to think its because the last DPO put in the twinc with an aluminium bottom end!
Unfortunately its probably duff springs…
Also finding out that I should have chrome strip below the doors was a new one for me…
See you all at donnington
Ps my vin plate has a stamped ser number and etched engine number…
The car is a '72
That’s it until Donnigton then! I got there a bit late (toast & boiled egg took a bit longer than usual…). For my sin I was relegated to parking in the chicken sheds! Sorry I missed a few people, but I had to leave early as well (Wedding anniversary). Perhaps we should have a +2 notice board for informal meets, comments. Something to think about for Donnington.
I was impressed by the +2 turn out, of all sorts ranging from immaculate to ones that made me think mine isn’t too bad after all! I am sure there were more than last year. Although I wasn’t after anything in particular, prices seemed realistic. Most interesting bit of the show was the guy about to start manufacturing the modified themostat housing (with the outlet facing the right way). I’m a bit sad I suppose… I might get round to fitting the sparkplugs I bought from QED (a bargain at ?6 a set).
Its always fun to see how light magnesium castings really are on the TT stand, but I think I could do better by losing a few pounds myself!
The +2 never missed beat & the battery got a good charge.
I think the guy who was selling the Thermostat housings and the samco hoses was a guy on LotusElan.net…
I may be wrong of course…
I was interested by his oil catch tank for the crankcase breather…
Only worry was that it didn’t have the capacity to hold the amount my twinc chucks out!
Did like the K&N filter holder as well
PS got inspired last night and fitted the Air filter that I had had since the last Stoneleigh!
Sorry I missed you all. My excuse is feeble but… We had friends over the night before for a dinner party. We did not finish until 2:30am thus I did not get up until about the crack of noon
I like the idea of doing some sort of LotusElan.net meet
If anyone who attended would like to see the photos I took on Sunday please send me a PM with your email address. Tim, John and Niall your cars are included so let me know if it’s ok with you before I disseminate pics of your cars.
The guy selling screws was a welcome sight. He had almost all the sizes used on the Elans in chrome or stainless. I know it must have looked a little unusual removing the old ones from my car and spending time sifting through his selection but I can never say no to a good screw.
Did anyone else find any useful bits? I found a boot hinge for my yellow car to replace the one with a split pin, we coudn’t agree on the price so a Club Lotus official offered to break the deadlock by flipping a coin. We agreed (it was just a joke as we were only ?1 apart), I won and the vendor went off in a huff and refused talk to me - interesting people you meet at parts fairs.
I had a great time and it’s good to at last be able to put faces to all these id names.
Best wishes,
PS Cliveyboy, do you sell a spanner for tightening the three-eared spinners?
I certainly was good to see everyone, and its very interesting seeing other plus 2’s, especially when they have ABS and forced indution! By the way Tim, I think that your engine mounts are soft. It was jumping about a bit more than I would have expected when idling. Like a lot more. I though that Niall’s Zetec was the best one that i have seen so far, mainly because it seems to sit and look “right”…well done on getting it together. Seeing and hearing the engine running has made me determned to fuel inject my twincam!
It will be good to see us all again at the next meet…
I was intending to make some bosses for tightening the knock ons but there is one already on the market and I know another guy in America who has just started producing another cheaper version.
I have no idea what the prices are but I have the contact details for the guy in America if it helps.
Hi Berni,
thanks for the head up on the engine mounts…
How much work are they to replace (I am at work at the mo and hence can’t look at the car!)
PS strangely, someone else on Sunday commented about how smoothly my +2 was idling. Perhaps they were taking the piss?