Any kind soul out there ever fitted these mountings, as I am having trouble with the clamp assy. cockling to oneside as they are tightened. Suggestions/advice greatly appreciated.
Mine kick over a bit with original rubber bushes but they seem to clamp the rack OK. I haven’t tried polys
I put little shim under each of mine to keep it from cocking.
Sorry, couldn’t resist adding; have you seen your doctor about this!!!
If you put a little shim under it don’t you alter the bump steer(steering rack height) setting?
Sorry, should have been more clear. The shims that control the rack height are already there but they aren’t wide enough to go under the little ‘claw arms’ , so to speak, and the clamp seems to want to cock down where the claw arms are. I shimmed under the claw arms to keep the mount from cocking. Hope that helps.
Thanks to everyone for the info/advice constructive and facetious.