Steering Rack

Sunday was a red letter day for My Father’s Elan.

We finally fitted a new steering rack, it is not the Herald based item, but is pretty mcuh Spyder’s BL alternative. It is not a straight swap so requires a little engineering to get it to fit, but nothing too complex.
The results were stunning - The car has been transformed from wandering all over the road in what should have been a straight line on a smooth road to a predictable driveable car with feel and feedback like never before.

The problem was not bump steer (we knew we had solved that problem years ago). The problem was the known issues with the Triumph rack. the BL rack is a much better design and is new not remanufactured. I can 't recommend this solution enough! It worked out much cheaper than a rebuilt rack too!


The “known issues” being what?


The issues that I have read about are that the herald rack is only bushed one end and wears, so the the rack and pinion are no longer correctly meshed. Once this happens and the rack wears a refurb can’t help because the actual rack (ie the linear toothed part) isn’t replaced.

The BL rack is bushed both ends so doesn’t suffer in this way, and as I say, it is available new.

I’m at a little loss to know why the pinion end needs to be bushed.

Would not a bush have the possibility of creating a tolerance clash with the spring loaded damper pad and make the correct pinion to rack torque setting more difficult to maintain?

As I see it, the correct pressure of the rack to the pinion does not allow for any excess play in the system.

If my education on this subject needs improving - please advise.

For Spyder BL rack, read classic Mini LHD mounted upside down. Rack mounting holes and clamps are different.


Or Clubman RHD Rack - ?58 from mini sport, at least it was when I got our pair.

Sorry for being vague on the part but I did promise Andy at Spyder that I wouldn’t mention it! I hoped someone else would first.

Certainly if the pinion or rack gear teeth profiles are worn then an orginal rack is not “rebuidable” without replacement of those components which few rebuilders do.

All other components in the orginal rack are easily replaceable and if done right should result in an effectively new rack provided the rack and pinion tooth profile is OK.



Does anyone have any photo of this change?


Lee Chapman offers racks for $142.50 and pinions for LHD $175 usd. If Lee has these, maybe he gets them from the U.K. at a somewhat lesser cost. Maybe there is a RHD pinion thats available, Lee may even have these also.

I recently refurbished two steering gears that had no discernable wear on racks or pinions for a total parts cost of ?72 (including new outer ball joints and delivery). However, I did not include the cost of making two new bushes to get them to S4/Sprint travel.

?58 for a new gear, albeit Mini, looks very good value. I did a quick scan in Google and found that all the Mini specialists list the LHD gear - so it looks like the gear is used in non-Mini applications. Prices quoted did not include outer ball joints or delivery.

Does the Mini gear have the correct travel?