Does anyone know how to arrive at the required thickness of shims under the rack mounts ? Workshop manual says chassis is stamped ex factory - my shims are extremely rusty and the Lotus replacement chassis does not appear to be stamped - any ideas ?
There are lots of threads on here from the past years re.setting the shims for bump steer,the workshop manual is a good place to start
Try the Technical Tips / Steering section, accesible from the Home page
Thanks John and Barney for steering me in the right direction on this topic. Having just discovered the site I did not appreciate the volume of information already available!
I’d suggest a look at this thread which talks about using a laser pointer and mirror to check bump steer. for a picture of the setup on the disc. Didn’t use anything fancy like the setup in the link. Just a piece of mirror taped to the disc and pointer clamped to a stepladder as described in the thread. I’ve used this method and it worked well.