Steering column


I am trying to replace the steering UJ on my RHD +2S/130 (colapsible type column). Problem is the uj is stuck to the lower steering shaft and I can’t budge it. Both bolts are out and the joint has come off the rack easily.

I thought if I could remove the inner column and get it on the bench then I’d have more success but I can’t get it out of the outer column…

After removing the impact clamp the column pulls out about an inch and then stops - as if it is hitting something but I can’t see what.

The manual states a firm pull on the steering wheel should withdraw the column…

Am I missing something?

Maybe I should drill the uj on the car to remove it? this seems a bit severe and I’d like to remove the lower column anyway to paint it.

Any suggestions please?

Had to butcher my UJ with a dremel and cutting disc to get it off

My usual approach with siezed components is:

  1. Try relesing fluid (I use good old Plus Gas)
  2. Try heat (hot air gun or better, blowlamp.
  3. Cut it off (usually angle grinder or Dremel depending on size).

Good luck

It sounds like you have a steering lock on the column . You ought to be able to pull the shaft through into the vehicle, but will need to withdraw the upper column bush at the same time. :slight_smile:



Many years ago had the same problem on a sprint. Don’t know about access on the plus 2 but I refitted the joint to the rack and then tighly wound on a jubilee clip to the rod of the column. Used a bit of heat and reached for the magic tool (hammer). Not too much force- you might damage the rack but it came off after a few taps.

As the other member said in his post you’ll probably find the “clip” that springs over the inner column is fouling the bushes when you try to pull out the column rod.



One other option: have you tried to insert a chisel into the ‘split’ of the coupling to ease its grip on the steering shaft ?


My Plus2 has no steering lock and neither does my S4, but both have the boss that is welded on the upper column and this prevents the upper column from being wthdrawn as has already been stated without pulling out the upper bush. Take out the outer after disconnecting the eletrics first and put the whole thing on the dinner table it’ll all become clear.

hope this helps


Could the flexible joint be hitting the steering rack?

Thanks for the help chaps,

Looks like I’ll take the outer column out too - dash has to come out anyway.

Once I’ve cut the joint off that is - two hours cutting on Friday and it’s still stuck :angry: