Steering Column Wiring

Hi Guys,

The PO of my S2 elan cut the wire to horn so I need to rewire it. The only wires at the steering column are for the highbeems and turn signal. I presume that I need to take the column apart so that I can solder a wire to the ring. Looking at the column it seems that I can disconnect the lower rodfrom the upper rod, disconnect the wires and then remove the column so that I can remove the bezels and get to the wiring .

Is this the best way to go?



Robb - I have just been working on this on my S4, so it may be a little different but my parts manual suggests the steering column assembly hasn’t changed through the range.

If you’ve got the parts manual - see H2.

The horn active runs from the horn relay, through firewall and up to the steering column to the upper mounting bracket (holding the column at the dash end). There is a long thin cable “tray” which is locked under the outer column (by the upper bracket and itself) and the cables for turn signals, dip switch and horn run up this “tray” and pass through an opening on the underside of the outer steering column into the ‘bell end’ of the outer column. The horn active is soldered onto a tab on the horn slip ring.

Just remove your steering wheel and the escutcheons (lovely word that! bezels to the rest of us) for the lights and indicator (this just makes it easier to work around). If you really have no wire on the horn push connector ring - try pushing one through the ‘tray’. If you can’t succeed at that you only have to drop the bottom off the upper bracket to get at the ‘tray’ to lay one in - you don’t have to disassemble the outer and inner column at all or separate the upper & lower ends of the inner column.

Now - why did the PO cut the wire?

Good luck.


Thanks for the advice. I will take a look at the job tonight after work. As for why the wire was clipped I have a guess.

The frame and motor have had three previous owners. The second raced it for a couple of years in the late 60’s early 70’s. It was kept garaged until around 2000 when it was purchased by the third owner who removed the roll cage and put a new (different) body on the frame. I suspect that the second owner had no use for a horn in a race car and therfore removed the entire circuit. Just a guess but seems to make sense.

Any way hopefully I will have some time to get my hands dirty and will have a functioning horn this week.
