Steering column to Rack coupling

Latest info and thinking on which replacement Steering column coupling to fit needed please.

Mine is of the original wire locked rubber bush variety but is completely shot. I was hoping to make some rubbers but the special shoulder bolts and holes are badly worn so a completely new joint is required.
The original part number seems to be Triumph part FAM1718 but research reveals the aftermarket supplied versions of these are poor quality.
So a Hookes type joint seems to be the solution that some are offering but some it seems of these either don’t clamp up correctly due to poor quality, or are too long and afffect column positioning or some are just too big and fat and rub on the bottom hose!
So I am looking for a bit of a lead on which one to go for and from which supplier please?



Hi Alan,
I bought one from Paul Matty and I think it is excellent.
Eric in Burnley
1967 S3SE DHC

Hi Eric,
Matty is currently closed due to Coronavirus however they don’t appear to show one of any variety on their website.
So I assume they no longer stock the steering column coupling for a +2.
SJS sell a pattern version of the original which has a poor quality reputation on Triumph forums.
TTR sell two versions, a steel Hooke type and also a Cast Heavy duty version which I suspect has longer length.
Kelvedon sell the steel Hooke type.
Sue Miller I don’t know.

My concern is that the steel type don’t clamp up very well. The cast type I understand is longer than the original and perhaps fatter so may give fitting issues.


Paul Matty does say on their web page that the are opening on Monday.

I prefer the solid ones ( eg TTR) . Also makes earthing the horn easier!

I purchased mine from RDent here in the US. Works perfectly although it did “settle in” a little bit - I found that it had just a little bit of play on the splines after 500 miles, but a quick snugging up fixed that. Probably because my splines were packed with rust when I installed it so that was just the rust working its way out. No problems since.

Be warned if your existing joint is particularly bad you may have to cut it off with a cutoff wheel and remove it in several pieces. That’s what I had to do with mine - fortunately I had the engine out when I did this, otherwise it would have been a real headache.


I went through a phase of having the original type developing play very quickly and at one point must have had about half a dozen scrap ones lying around. One of them I managed to strip down and replace the rubber bushes with some cut down fuel injection hose. That was about ten years ago and it’s still working fine. Interestingly only a couple of them would come apart. The others all sheared the heads off the bolts when I tried to dismantle them.

I’ve fitted one of the bigger cast items on my +2. Was tricky to get on first time but is fine, a little close to lower hose. I purchased it from one of the US Triumph/MGB/healey suppliers with online ordering for significantly less than the US based Lotus suppliers.

Now if I could just successfully line up my self canceling indicators, straight ahead and the steering wheel I’d be happy!

I bought a bolt and bush kit from Lotus Marques in Melboure. I assembled it with a bit of slack as I thought that was required, which made it a vague bastard of a thing. Tigthened it up recently and it’s pleasantly nice to use now.

It was $40AUD I think.

Self cancelling indicators - that’s a familiar (and for me, very long) story!

On topic, I fitted a Triumph universal joint type and although it needs to be torqued up mightily to clamp the rack input splines, it’s performed perfectly. It’s one of the folded steel types - I think it came from MEV. I still have the old one, which is likely original, in a parts box somewhere.

Mark 1 and mark 2 uprated ford escort couplings is what I used.
have a look on e-bay


Yes I have read elswhere that MK1/2 Escort couplings will fit, quite surprising really, I would have thought that the splines would be different. Thanks for the tip.
I suppose my concern in fitting a U/J to replace the original joint is with some being dimensionally quite a lot larger than the original joint and therefore the potential interference with the bottom hose, so I am hoping to find the smallest U/J I can that will do the job.


Got them fitted on both my cars +2 130/5.
No issues with clearance of hoses. Been on a few years now. You need the updated ones without rubber bushes

Has anyone fitted one of these kits? Wondering while it’s apart… … urethane-4

Fitted this kit many years ago. No complaints.